Licensed since 2004. I am a member of The Jackson Team in Worthington, OH. Here is our website: We sell single family homes, apartments and small commercial buildings.
Cell: (614) 282-7912•
Office: (614) 431-1770•More Info
Columbus, Ohio 43235 home prices brought to you by Maureen McCabe of Real Living HER The graph shows home prices for the Columbus, Ohio 43235 zip code for the past 15 months. The graph is for single family homes only. Average sale price is down from both January 2012 and in comparison to this time last year. Columbus home prices are UP - February 2012 Worthington home prices were down in February 2012 Dublin home prices were down in February 2012 too. The market report on this site is not published yet, but the average sale price of $299,000 for the Dublin school district is down 5.7% from February 2011 and down slightly from the January 2012 average sale price for a Dublin single family home. Columbus, Ohio 43235 home prices a market report for February 2012 Average list price $259...
Columbus, Ohio 43235 homes for sale brought to you by Maureen McCabe of Real Living HER The graph shows how many months inventory (Columbus, Ohio 43235 homes for sale) there has been for the past 15 months. In October 2011 the northwest Columbus area which is sometimes referred to as the West Worthington area had 5.9 months of inventory based on recent home sales in the zip code. Compare that to October 2010 when there were 7.3 months of inventory. Compare the Columbus, Ohio 43235 homes for sale - October 2011 market to: Columbus homes for sale - October 2011 (Columbus City School District as a whole) -8.3 months Dublin homes for sale - October 2011 (Dublin City School District as a whole) - 10.1 months Worthington homes for sale - October 2011 (Worthington City School District as ...
Columbus, Ohio 43235 home sales brought to you by Maureen McCabe of Real Living HER This graph shows homes for sale and homes sold for the Columbus, Ohio 43235 zip code for the past 15 months through September 2011. These are only single family homes, it does not include condominiums. The light green bars are homes for sale. The dark green bars are homes sold (Columbus, Ohio 43235 home sales.) There were 158 homes for sale in Columbus, Ohio 43235 in September. Compare that to 164 homes for sale in September 2010. There were 24 homes sold in September 2011 in comparison to 18 home sales in the area a year ago. Columbus, Ohio 43235 home sales a market repoprt for September 2011 Inventory (homes for sale in the Columbus, Ohio 43235 zip code) down 3.7% from September 2010.September hom...
Columbus, Ohio 43235 homes for sale brought to you by Maureen McCabe of Real Living HER. The graph shows the inventory of homes for sale in the Columbus, Ohio 43235 zip code for the past 15 months through July. Inventory a year ago in the area was 9.9 months. With only four months of inventory based on recent sales, that's a seller's market. Columbus, Ohio 43235 homes for sale neighborhoods Most of the neighborhoods in the Columbus, Ohio 43235 zip code are in the Columbus Corporation limit but there are homes in unincorporated areas in Perry and Sharon Townships as well. The Columbus, Ohio 43235 area is sometimes referred to as the "West Worthington" area. There are three school districts in the 43235 zip code, Columbus, Dublin and Worthington. Columbus schools neighborhoods such as ...
Columbus, Ohio 43235 home sales brought to you by Maureen McCabe of Real Living HER The graph shows homes for sale and homes sold in the Columbus, Ohio 43235 zip code for the past 15 months through June 2011. This is only single family homes. Columbus, Ohio 43235 home sales a market report for June 2011 Homes for sale - 168 Homes sold - 26 Homes for sale were up 9.8 % from a year ago. June 2011 home sales in Columbus, Ohio 43235 were down 33.3% from last year. Columbus, Ohio 43235 homes for sale 6.5 months of homes for sale based on recent sales That an increase of 64.7% from last year in June when there was 3.9 months of inventory (Columbus, Ohio 43235 homes for sale.) Columbus, Ohio 43235 home prices Average active price $260,000 Average sale price $230,000 Median sale price $...
Worthingview - Open House Thursday 5 to 7 5 PM to 7 PM at 1344 Snowmass Rd. Columbus OH 43235 * $190,000 4 bedroom 2.5 baths 2088 square feet The average sale price for a Worthingview home in 2010 was $223,063. The Worthingview neighborhood public school attendance areas: Bluffsview Elementary School McCord Middle School Worthington Kilbourne High School Worthingview is a West Worthington neighborhood in the Worthington City School District. The Real Living HER Open House List This weekend is a big open house nationally. The National Association of REALTORS is promoting the REALTOR® Nationwide Open House weekend June 4 and 5! I am just getting a jump on it. *This listing sold and closed in July 2011. Links to the listing on my Real Living HER website were broken as th...
Columbus, Ohio 43235 home sales brought to you by Maureen McCabe of Real Living HER (formerly HER Realtors) The graph shows homes for sale and homes sold in the Columbus, Ohio 43235 zip code in northwestern Franklin County for the past 15 months. Columbus, Ohio 43235 is sometimes referred to as the West Worthington area. The West Worthington post office is just south of 161 west of Olentangy River Road, on Nicholas Rd. A zip code is really just a mail route. In the late 1980s the Worthington, Ohio 43085 zip code was split to form the 43235 zip code. Columbus, Ohio 43235 homes for sale* - Search Columbus, Ohio 43235 home sales a market report for March 2011 Homes for sale -146 Homes sold - 16 Home sales in the 43235 zip code were down 38.5% from March 2010. Inventory (homes for ...