Need Some Help Getting In The Christmas Spirit?
By Marg Scheben, Edey - Collingwood, Ontario
(RE/MAX four seasons realty limited)
If you need a little jolt to get you into the Christmas spirit this week-end, here's an idea. If you live within a couple hours drive of Owen Sound, may I suggest a little trip over there this week-end? I was there last night and remembered that this year if the 20th anniversary of the city's Festival of Northern Lights. I headed downtown and parked my car one block west of the main street by the river bank and then walked around the block admiring the delightful displays. While I've included a picture here to give you an idea, it doesn't begin to convey the magic that may come in part from the sounds I heard. As I strolled about, some people passed by me with a large dog wearing a red blanket covered in big jingle bells. Kids were squealing with excitement and even the sound ...