"OPEN the DOOR, don't LOCK it"
By Nick Vandekar, 610-203-4543, Selling the Main Line & Chester County
(Realty ONE Group Advocates 484-237-2055)
I recently met an interesting man who is a horse psychologist, who uses the expression "Be the BRIDGE not the BLOCK." I have been thinking about this expression for well over a week, pondering as Michael Jacobs might say. If you want to know more about him, his name is Kerry Thomas and he has a website with links to social media and podcasts etc at www.SensorySoundness.com. Hopefully, I will be doing an interview with him later in the month or beginning of next month.I decided to twist his expression a bit and make it OPEN the DOOR don't LOCK it!There are some clever elements to this phrase, we acknowledge there is a DOOR, sometimes it is open, often it is closed. There are many people wanting to find and purchase a home as this will give them security, a place in which they can decorat...