Share the Love I Think Debe is Wonder Woman Disguised
By Hannah Williams, Expertise NE Philadelphia & Bucks 215-820-3376
(HomeStarr Realty)
There are so many people I adore and love in the Rain but here is a person that always makes me smile I will never forget the first time she called me. I was sick with bronchitis wrote a post she loved it was one where we all felt deserted and unloved and we wanted to talk to Ben Kinney Immediately I loved Debe Maxwell, CRS beautiful southern charm and accent she charmed me. I always loved her blogs anyway they were so professional. She was amazed at my accent. Accent I had an accent? Who knew anyone from Philly had an accent. New Yorkers had an accent but I never knew I had an accent. We have talked many times through the years and her love and energy always amaze me. She has had many personal tribulations that she conquers with ease. All the while she is organizing challenges in A...