Philadelphia Steals and Deals Almost Black Friday
By Hannah Williams, Expertise NE Philadelphia & Bucks 215-820-3376
(HomeStarr Realty)
Okay it's almost Black Friday whether you live in Philadelphia or not you need these deals the sales have already started. I am really curious to see if the sales will be cheaper than they already are. There is really nothing I could possible want or need except a vacuum so I am holding out for that.Sheertex the revolutionary new brand of tights for women. They are wonderful. I have purchased them and must say they are so comfortable. They are also true to their word of being run resistant . They feel so silky and luxurious and look wonderful. They also have socks and body suits. I was lucky to have tried them as a "Today's special Value on QVC " as a 2 for .. and they were divine since then I have purchased more directly on the Sheertex website for a discount while supplies last for...