
Venetia, PA Real Estate News

By Ted Taylor, IV
(Realty Executives - Pittsburgh)
Great news came from the Senate Floor his evening in our Nation's Capital as Senator Johnny Isakson (R-Georgia) was successful in passing an amendment (unanimously I might add!) to the pending Economic Stimulus Bill, in which a tax credit of up to $15,000 will be available for the purchase of not only existing homes, but new homes as well - AND most importantly, it will be for anyone buying a principal home and not just a first time home buyer! All I can say is this is GREAT NEWS! Thank You Senator Isakson for your efforts of representing ALL the citizens of the USA and not just the good people of Georgia!Cheers!TedFrom Senator Isakson's Website this evening: isakson.senate.govFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEWednesday, February 4, 2009Senate Unanimously Approves Isakson Amendment to Stimulate Hous...
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