Having trouble with your 203k or other renovation project?
By Mike Young, FHA 203k Consultant 828-469-7462
(203kOnLine.com, covering the USA)
Having trouble with your 203k or other renovation project? Check out our new web site for handling these issues or helping you handle them www.203k911.com. I've added a visitor's map to see where people are coming from that is kinda cool. I was getting lots of calls from people from all over the country that were having issues that we were able to assist them with those issues. To date we have not charged a single penny for any of the help we have been able to offer. The fact is we love the FHA 203k loan guarantee program and if we can help someone avoid a headache we are very happy to be of assistance. We believe that you shouldn't worry about the small stuff and in the end, it is all small stuff. So, as they say "Don't worry, Be happy" Check out the site and get logged in on our vis...