Susquehanna River Statue of Liberty
By Gloria Todor, & Doug Durren (484) 431-3686 in SE PA
(Premier Property Sales & Rentals)
Years ago heading northwest on Rt 322 West towards State College, the highway was hugging the Susquehanna River and to my surprise I saw for the first time a miniature version of the Statue of Liberty in the middle of the River. It was kind of a strange thing to see in the middle of a wide river, but none the less she was there. Over the years I have tried to get a good photo of her in passing, at high speed, but even without getting a good photo I still enjoy seeing her because she makes me chuckle and makes me wonder who the heck thought to build her and how did they get the statue in the middle of the river?This stretch of the Susquehanna is interesting to me because there is a lot of rock jutting above the surface of the river and there are remnants of old pilings from former bridge...