India Day 2017 - Celebration By India Association of Rhode Island
By Praful Thakkar, Metro Boston Homes For Sale
(LAER Realty Partners)
India Day 2017Rhode Island Celebration by IARI@ South Park of RI State House82 Smith St, Providence, RI India Association of Rhode Island celebrates India Day 2017Sunday, August 13th, 2017 from 3:30 PM onwards. Join IARI for a Fun day of Indian Dances, Food, Kids Activities,Shopping, and much more.Cultural Program - India Day 2017IARI is excited to celebrate India's 71st Independence Day at the South Park of the RI State House, 82 Smith Street, Providence, RI 02903 on August 13, the South Park of the RI State House, 82 Smith Street, Providence, RI 02903 on August 13, 2017.82 Smith Street, Providence, RI 02903 on August 13, 2017.on August 13, 2017.From 3:30 PM to 7:00 PM.Just as every year, we will have a variety of performances such as ethnic folk dances, Ethnic folk dances, ...