Big Acreage and Friday Night Humor from TN
By Virginia Kail, True Blue Realty, Homes and Land for Sale
(Investments, starter houses, luxury homes,farms, acreage)
Big Acreage and Friday Night Humor from TN It's 8:30 pm on Friday night, and once again I'm still at the office. I've got a marathon week of showing big acreage tracts of land next week and those require a good bit of advanced planning. To properly show large acreage you need to pull tax maps, topo maps, FEMA flood plane maps, and surveys. You've also got to note the addresses of nearby houses since raw land generally doesn't have a 911 address assigned. In addition, you've got to note where the access points are and have a 4x4 to traverse the rough cut roads across ridges and "hollers." Lastly, you've got to have waterproof knee-high boots, rugged denim jeans, and a case of Deepwoods Off to deal with the snakes, ticks, and rough underbrush. Doesn't that sound like fun?! (I'm an a...