
Dickson, TN Real Estate News

By TeamCHI - Complete Home Inspections, Inc., Home Inspectons - Nashville, TN area - 615.661.029
(Complete Home Inspections, Inc.)
One Person's American can be Another Person's Nightmare… Being affiliated with the real estate industry, I can fully understand how ecstatic one must feel when a buyer finally signs an intent to purchase contract and issues an earnest money check. For some buyers, the gambit of emotions leaves a feeling of uncertainty in the pit of their stomach, much like the feeling that they have eaten something that did not quite agree with them. Nevertheless, the transaction must proceed and an inspection is ordered. The property was a quaint little 650 sq. ft. cottage, built in an era where the code was: "Bud, There ain't no codes." But then, inspectors aren't "Codes Inspectors". Being generalists, we must ascertain whether the construction methodologies are "acceptable" and do not demonstrate maj...
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By Donna Hudson
(Crye-Leike, Realtors)
            Nashville Home Inspection - 1197 Simms Hts Rd., Kingston Springs, TN, 37082 615 573-4468 Providing Peace of Mind, One Home at a Time, Since 1999  
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By Donna Hudson
(Crye-Leike, Realtors)
Or is it Seller Beware of today's Buyers?  The term in real estate before all the disclosures came about years ago was Buyer Beware.  Today I wonder if it has become more of a Seller Beware market.  Sellers have the legal obligation to disclose everything about their property for sale and when in a binding contract, it is the Seller that has to put the effort and funds in to assure their property is closed and on time.  I wonder if Buyers today after putting the minimum amount of earnest money possible down to secure the contract, are still looking for a better house and a better deal!  Many times working more than one offer at a time, accepting one while they are bargaining for another without the agent or Sellers knowledge.  I believe today listing agents show protect their Sellers by...
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By Donna Hudson
(Crye-Leike, Realtors)
Dickson County is a wonderful place to live. Located in Middle Tennessee, Dickson County is a group of small towns with a feel of a large community making a great place to raise a family.  Convenient to Nashville and Franklin, Dickson continues to grow with a population of about 60,000 residents.  Dickson County is the home to six beautiful parks, three golf courses, The Roxy Movie Theater and Broadway Drive in theater.  The Renaissance Center is a state of the art entertaining/educational complex offering an art facility, art gallery, and book store daily, dinner theater, laser light shows and Science Theater. Some of the various classes include mosaics, pottery, drawing, computers, internet surfing, painting, music, dance, acting and photography as well as Austin Peay College off camp...
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By Donna Hudson
(Crye-Leike, Realtors)
Hi. I am Donna Hudson with Crye-Leike, Realtors.   I am the real estate agent listing and selling homes throughout Dickson County located in the hills of Middle Tennessee.  Listing your home with me gives you an advantage over all the other real estate companies in Tennessee.  Why?  Crye-Leike Realtors is selling more properties in Tennessee and Dickson County than any other real estate company.  Your listing will be advertised in the "HOMES" book distributed to thousands of people in the Middle Tennessee area.  This is a great advertisement piece with colored pictures and full description of only Crye-Leike homes situated by location and price!  The "HOMES" book is distributed monthly throughout Middle Tennessee. Another great advantage for homeowners listing their properties with Donn...
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By Donna Hudson
(Crye-Leike, Realtors)
January 2011 Greater Nashville Tennessee Market Report Including Dickson & Williamson Counties January 2011 home sales in Greater Nashville TN area were up in comparison to January 2010. GNAR market report for January 2011 released last week for Greater Nashville TN area is quoted below: "The Greater Nashville TN area saw 1,101 homes sold in January 2011, resulting in a 6.6 percent increase compared to the 1,033 closings reported in January of 2010, sparking a sign of optimism in the region's housing market. Median price for single-family homes also showed an increase compared to January 2010.  The median price of a single-family residence was $165,500 in January 2011 compared to $159,000 last January.  Condominiums saw a decrease in median price for January 2011 at $131,500.  By compar...
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By Jay Cash, THE Auctioneer & Real Estate Broker
(James R. Cash II Auctions & Real Estate )
Jay Cash & Lisa Walters, The Auctioneers are having a Personal Property auction in Dickson Tennessee! This is auction features some of the nicest and cleanest items we have ever sold! Mrs. Betty Jo CroweFurniture, Antiques, Glassware, Tools Directions: I-40 West to Dickson, Exit 182, left on Hwy. 96, left on Hwy. 70, left on South Hummingbird Lane, home on right.Terms: Complete settlement day of sale. Cash, check, Mastercard, Visa or Discover   ITEMS FOR SALE- SELLING TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER! 1940’s 3 piece bedroom suit 3 sets of Lamps Couch, sofa, & love seat Mirror Prints Cedar churn Oak buffet with beveled mirror Round oak table with 3 leafs 8 latter back maple chairs Oak china cabinet Microwave cart   Fostoria:             12 Glasses              8 Salad plates              8 Dessert ...
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By Susan Hutcherson
Susan Hutcherson | American Heritage, Inc. | 298-9200-Ofc 308-4718-Cell 1746 W. Grab Creek Road, Dickson, TN Full brick with 3 BR, 1.5 BA; ceramic tile baths and stone fireplace. 1.8 acres so bring the pets! New Heat/Air! New Carpet! 3BR/1.5BA Single Family House offered at $109,900 Year Built 1970 Sq Footage 1,176 Bedrooms 3 Bathrooms 1 full, 1 partial Floors 1 Parking 2 Covered spaces Lot Size 78,408 sqft HOA/Maint $0 per month DESCRIPTION Take a deep breath of fresh, fall air! Quiet country setting only minutes from town and I-40. This inviting, full brick home is very well kept and neat as can be. Always wanted a pony? Now you have room. see additional photos below PROPERTY FEATURES Central A/C Central heat Fireplace Walk-in closet Living room Dining room Refrigerator Stove/Oven Mi...
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By Brenda Tressler
(Crye-Leike Realtors)
1. I am not eligible for a VALoan.                                This may not be true; if you have ever served in the military as Active Duty, National Guard or Reserves you may qualify for a VA Loan. Contact me at or call me at 931-206-1907 and together we can find out if you are eligible.   My own father did not know he was eligible for a VA loan until I became a loan officer and asked why he had never use his VA eligible. 2. I can only use my VA eligibility once.                                                                                                                        Not so! You can use your VA benefit over & over. You may even be eligible to purchase a second home using the same eligibility with bonus entitlement if your first home was under $144,...
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By Brenda Tressler
(Crye-Leike Realtors)
Typical Loan Closing  Conventional / VA / FHA: 20-30 Days THDA/ Rural Development: 30-45 Days        Concurrent Actions: This all done by your Lender      Appraisal: 4 - 14 Days Termite inspection: 3 - 10 Days Survey: 4 Days - ? (Acreage could take several weeks depending on how much land) NOW THAT YOU HAVE A SIGNED CONTRACT AND THE LENDER, PROCESSOR & UNDERWRITERS ARE BUSY; WHAT DO YOU DO? I AM GLAD YOU ASKED... DO: Hire your home inspector and have him inspect your new home; do this as soon as possible. This way if there are any major repairs you will have time to discuss your options with your Realtor. Call several insurance companies for home owners insurance. You must select which company you want and prices vary greatly; so check around. Do not let them pull your credit until you...
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DICKSON  COUNTY  FAIR                                                                    SEPTEMBER 1ST - 7TH Schedule of Events Friday: September 5, 2008  STUDENT NIGHT 5:00 - 10:00 pm       Exhibit Building Open 6:00 & 8:00 pm        Princess Miss Fairest of the Fair: 6:00 pm Girls Ages 7-9   8:00 pm Girls Ages 10-12                                     (will be held in Greer Building) 7:00 pm                   Antique Tractor Pull & TN City Mini Tractor Pullers   Gates Open at 5:00 pm Rides start at 6:00 pm Gate: Adults $5   3-12 yr. $3.00  Children under 3 FREE $20 Armband   Parking $2.00 STUDENT NIGHT 9:00 pm - 1:00 am Save $2.00 off Armband  $18   Above information taken from Dickson County Fair insert:  Announcements made on grounds by Fair Officials take precedence over all printe...
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DICKSON  COUNTY  FAIR                                                                            SEPTEMBER 1ST - 7TH                                                      Schedule of Events Thursday: September 4, 2008 8:30 am - 2:00 pm       Farm Fun Day (4th Graders) 10:00 am - 4:00 pm    Cattle Check-in 5:00 - 9:00 pm            Exhibit Building Open 6:30 pm                        Cattle Show: Angus, Hereford, Shorthorns, Gelbieh, Limosin, other Breeds 7:00 pm                         Dickson County Fair 4x4 Street Truck Pull 7:00 pm                        Miss Dickson County Fairest of the Fair: Young Ladies Ages 16-20 (will be held in Greer Building)   Gates Open at 5:00 pm      Rides start at 6:00 pm Gate: Adults $5      3-12 yr. $3.00     Children under 3 FREE $15 Armband   Parking ...
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  DICKSON  COUNTY  FAIR                                                                 SEPTEMBER 1ST - 7TH Schedule of Events Wednesday: September 3, 2008  CARLOAD NIGHT Cattle received anytime Wednesday Brad Greenfield, Extension Agent (615) 446-2788                                  Poultry Show Judging 5:00 - 9:00 pm          Exhibit Building Open 7:00 pm                     Dickson County Fair ATV Extreme                                   Gates Open at 5:00 pm      Rides start at 6:00 pm $25.00 CARLOAD $25.00 when you enter the grounds pays your parking, gate & rides for your entire CARLOAD,  regardless of number in car, pick-up or van only     Above information taken from Dickson County Fair insert:  Announcements made on grounds by Fair Officials take precedence over all printed m...
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DICKSON  COUNTY  FAIR                                                                                                                                  SEPTEMBER 1ST - 7TH                                                                                               Schedule of Events   Tuesday:  September 2, 2008   FAMILY NIGHT 10:00 am - 12 noon   Register Home Eonomics: Baked goods & Plants and Flowers 1:00 - 2:00 pm           Register 4-H Youth Dept.: Baking & Plants and Flowers 5:30 - 6:00 pm           Goat Check-in 5:00 - 9:00 pm           Exhibit Building Open 6:30 pm                      Open Goat Show 7:00 pm                      Dickson County Fair Moto-X Motocross 7:00 pm                      Little Miss Fairest of the Fair:   Girls Ages 4-6 (will be held in the Greer Building)...
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DICKSON COUNTY FAIR                                                                                                                                     SEPTEMBER 1ST - 7TH                                                                    Schedule of Events   Monday:  September 1, 2008  10:00 am - 3:00 pm       Junior Beef Cattle Check-in 2:00 - 4:30 pm              Register 4-H Youth Dept. Non Perishable Entries                                       (everything except baking & plants/flowers) 12:00 - 6:00 pm            Register Crops Department Entries 5:00 - 8:00 pm              Open County Poultry Department Entries 5:00 - 9:00 pm              Exhibit Buildings Open 6:30 pm                       Junior Beef Showmanship after beef                     Junior Beef Heifer Shows (registe...
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By Brenda Tressler
(Crye-Leike Realtors)
Here is my true story: How Chickens & Credit are alike! Many years ago my husband was still active duty and was stationed at Ft. Campbell, Ky. So I followed him to Tennessee; yes Tennessee, Ft. Campbell is half in Kentucky & half in Tennessee. We rented a house in the country and as a city girl who loves animals; I started to collecting rabbits, dogs, cats, goats & wanted chickens. Now remember I am a city girl, a local friend said you can buy chickens by mail and gave me a catalog. This was a first for me and I chose the cheapest way to buy 50 chicks. Later I found out why it was so cheap: because the hens & roosters were mixed with no guarantee of how many roosters were in the batch. As my babies grew, I found I had 40 roosters (boys) & 10 hens (girls). A local farmer, let's call him ...
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