One Person's American can be Another Person's Nightmare…
By TeamCHI - Complete Home Inspections, Inc., Home Inspectons - Nashville, TN area - 615.661.029
(Complete Home Inspections, Inc.)
One Person's American can be Another Person's Nightmare… Being affiliated with the real estate industry, I can fully understand how ecstatic one must feel when a buyer finally signs an intent to purchase contract and issues an earnest money check. For some buyers, the gambit of emotions leaves a feeling of uncertainty in the pit of their stomach, much like the feeling that they have eaten something that did not quite agree with them. Nevertheless, the transaction must proceed and an inspection is ordered. The property was a quaint little 650 sq. ft. cottage, built in an era where the code was: "Bud, There ain't no codes." But then, inspectors aren't "Codes Inspectors". Being generalists, we must ascertain whether the construction methodologies are "acceptable" and do not demonstrate maj...