
Canyon, TX Real Estate News

By The Legacy Group, The LegacyGroup of CrossCountry Mortgage
(CrossCountry Mortgage)
Veteran’s Home Loans for Canyon TexasIf you are reading this, you or a family member have likely served in our military.  First off, we would like to say a sincere “Thank You” for your service!  We recognize that not only do our Veterans sacrifice by serving, but their families do as well-, and we owe you all a debt of gratitude!One of the best benefits Veterans and their families receive due to their service to our great country is the VA home loan benefits.  We are going to outline just a few of these significant benefits in this article for you. Here are some of the major benefits you may receive by using your VA home loan benefits:*100% financing available- one of the very few loans available with no down payment!*Lower rates available than most loan programs- which saves you money ...
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By The Legacy Group, The LegacyGroup of CrossCountry Mortgage
(CrossCountry Mortgage)
Veteran’s Home Loans for Canyon TexasIf you are reading this, you or a family member have likely served in our military.  First off, we would like to say a sincere “Thank You” for your service!  We recognize that not only do our Veterans sacrifice by serving, but their families do as well-, and we owe you all a debt of gratitude!One of the best benefits Veterans and their families receive due to their service to our great country is the VA home loan benefits.  We are going to outline just a few of these significant benefits in this article for you. Here are some of the major benefits you may receive by using your VA home loan benefits:*100% financing available- one of the very few loans available with no down payment!*Lower rates available than most loan programs- which saves you money ...
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By Pamela Madore, Team Work Makes The Dream Work
(The Pamela Madore Group)
Pamela Madore Keller Williams Realty Pamela Madore Mortgage Have you ever done something and thought oh (imagine the word) I can't believe I did that?  How stupid!  Well, I did it. I am teaching an amazing class at Keller Williams Realty called Ignite.  It is mostly for new agents but new and old come.  It is a 4 week class meeting 3 times a week.   Part of the homework for them is to increase the people in their address book by 200 in the 4 weeks.   Well,  if you are like just about everyone else in the world, you will find reasons why that is too much to do in the amount of time we have.  Granted it is a lot.  However, if we are going to build our businesses we need our friends and family and networking contacts to help us.  Agreed? So we are near...
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By Pamela Madore, Team Work Makes The Dream Work
(The Pamela Madore Group)
Pamela Madore Keller Williams Realty Real Estate in The Wild West of Amarillo circa 1880 Real Estate Auction in Amarillo I get curious a lot and I wondered what real estate sales looked like when Amarillo first came about.   I got this information from a lot of different places so I don't guarantee it is all accurate.  Louis L'Amour is my favorite author, too, so you never know what could pop up. Let's just say it is an overall composite fact and fiction (mostly fact).  Potter County was organized August 30, 1887 at which time it had 164 voting citizens.  It is 30 miles square and contains 630,000 acres of land of which 325,000 are school lands that can be taken up by settlers and prospectors in tracts of from 160 to 640 acres. I always wondered why we have this Potter/Randall line in t...
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By Tom Kile
(Keller Williams Realty)
There is quite a few things going these last few days of August in Canyon, TX. Canyon is always a great place to live, play and work. So, see what you might be interested in for you and your family before the month ends. Annual Safety Day – The Canyon Independent School District will have their annual Safety Day on Friday, August 20. Every class in the district will practice their emergency drills for fire, tornados and lockdowns. All staff and students will be participating. Let your children know about Safety Day and what they can expect. Class of 1983 30-Year Reunion – The Canyon High’s class of 1983 will be celebrating their 30-year reunion over the Labor Day holiday weekend. If you were in that class and you plan to come, please let them know on the Canyon High School Class of 198...
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By Tom Kile
(Keller Williams Realty)
Canyon, TX is one of the best cities for small town business support. And just to show how much support your small business would get, I have business success story to share with you. It’s stories like this that help make the community of Canyon, TX an even better place to live when it comes to community, family and work. The Canyon, TX store Palace Coffee Company was recently one of seven semifinalists in the Best Coffeehouse in America competition. To compete, each coffee shop had to send in information about their shops including photos and a video of their shop. Because of the support from local Canyon’s and an amazing staff, the owners of the coffee shop decided to play with the big players and show they can do big things too. After two days of competition, they ended with 2nd pla...
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By Sherry Marsh
(Keller Williams)
Palo Duro Canyon was opened on July 4, 1934 and the Civilian Conservation Corps constructed most of the building and roads that are still being used today. There is over 29000 acres of scenic beauty for your entire family to enjoy. It is 120 miles long and 20 miles wide! It costs $5/ person and children 12 and under are free. They have 4 different camping areas for overnight stays which include the backpack camping site. This site cost $12 for 4 people and it is a 30 minute hike to this site. You can not have any open fires at this location. There is also an equestrian site where you can bring your horses along. Each site is allotted 8 horses and/or people. The cost for this site is also $12.00. There are 2 areas for the primitive camping sites. Each camping area has a fire ring, table ...
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By Sherry Marsh
(Keller Williams)
The Panhandle Plains Historical Museum in Canyon Texas is a place for you and the family to come and enjoy history for hours and interact with a few of the exhibits. With over 26000 square miles to cover, there is something for everyone to enjoy. One of the most popular exhibits in the museum is the Pioneer Town. The newly rebuilt exhibit is full of great buildings mimicking the old towns and many activities for everyone to participate in. You can type on the old telegraph, play poker at the saloon, weigh and price merchandise at the mercantile, try on leg shackles and more. They have the jail, old church, adobe casita, and even the Chinese laundry. Don't forget to peek into the outhouse!! Another great exhibit is the People of the Plains. This exhibit shows how people survived and how ...
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By Tom Kile
(Keller Williams Realty)
The Canyon Chamber of Commerce will hold its annual Fair on the Square and other great events October 7th, 8th, and 9th at various destinations around the City of Canyon.  Fair events include the following: October 7th - Canyon Chamber Cook-off at the Town Square from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm. October 8th - Homecoming Golf Classic, 10:00am at Ross Rogers Golf Complex. October 8th - WTAMU Bonfire and Dance, 9:00pm at Russell Long Blvd. at WTAMU Drive. October 9th - Lions Club Pancake Breakfast, 7:00am at Cole Community Center. October 9th - WTAMU Homecoming Parade, 11:00am on Fourth Avenue. October 9th - WTAMU Homecoming Cookout from 3:00pm to 5:00pm at Kimbrough Stadium. October 9th - WTAMU vs TSU, 6:00pm at Kimbrough Stadium. October 9th - Centennial Homecoming Fireworks following the WTAM...
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By Tom Kile
(Keller Williams Realty)
The US Fish & Wildlife Service is hosting a public meeting December 15, 2009 and needs public input on a management plan for the Buffalo Lake National Wildlife Refuge.  The buffalo may not roam the area any longer and nature doesn't manage the land itself anymore, but the federal government does and they want to hear what local Canyon, Texas residents have to say.  Tuesday's meeting will help the government get input from locals and hear what they want to consider in the creation of a comprehensive management plan that is meant to guide the agency's leadership at the refuge over the next 15 years. The refuge is made up of 7,664 acres along with deer, birds, turkey, owls, prairie dogs, marshes, woodlands and beautifully carved canyon walls. The plan will include things like grazing, hunt...
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By Connie Taylor
(Connie Taylor - Keller Williams Realty)
I recently read one of the most inspirational and touching stories about a young Canyon, Texas man. Seventeen-year-old, Mark England is a 6' 1" 260 left guard for the Rebels. Mark fills the pulpit of his church each Sunday night with a guitar over his large chest and belts out "Precious Memories" in a deep strong voice. Then he asks the church members and visitors to bow in prayer. Mark is a young, associate preacher at Bethel Baptist Church in Canyon. The Good Lord has answered many of Mark's prayers by giving him the chance to preach to his congregation for 36 minutes each Sunday night. When Mark preaches, he doesn't shout and his hands are rarely still, but he does deliver a very strong message that comes across loud and clear. He also mixes humor with Scripture to keep all eyes and ...
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Canyon, TX Real Estate Professionals