
Canyon Lake, TX Real Estate News

If you are vacationing at Canyon Lake, TX or New Braunfels, TX or even the Texas Coast be sure to protect yourself from the sun and heat.            Keeping Cool This Summer!     Take Care of Yourself & Your Pets!                     The Dog Days of Summer Are Here. Everywhere we go we hear these terms:  It is going to be a scorcher today ? Is this a summer heat wave? What temperature do you set you're A/C?                Be sure to also keep your doggy cool during this summer heat wave. Always have lots of cool, clean water. Here are some tips to remember to protect yourself: Summer Heat Precautions During a heat wave the body has to work extra hard to maintain a normal temperature. Excessive heat can result in serious health threats by pushing the human body beyond its limits. Young c...
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By Dale Baker, New Hampshire Relocation Real Estate Information
(Baker Energy Audits and Commercial Properties Inspections)
Welcome one and all to the planning of Mr. Tex Rain and Miss. Molly Blogger Wedding!    We got a Wedden to be goen to! As many of ya have heard The Grand State of Texas, is holden this here wedden in the Active Rain community.           The happy Groom Mr. Tex Rain                                                                The happy Bride Miss. Molly Blogger   This here wedden will be taken place on 1 June 2008 in the Texas Real Estate Group and the Lone Star Real Estate Professionals Group.    Liz Carter's post Good Golly Miss getting married in the rain...Active Rain that is Is a goen to be the Home Post for this here Grand Wedden event that all Active Rain member's are invited to. Once this Team's decisions and the other Team's decisions are fully finalized, we'll be a...
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                                                                                        Now that everything is beginning to bloom here in Texas, and being that tomorrow is the first day of Spring, let's talk Honey, Beeswax, Sugar and all the wonderful things we enjoy because we have the Honey Bee.     Call me crazy. One minute I'm blogging on home inspection, next  time Texas birds and now blogging about Bee's. The last few years we have seen fewer honey bees buzzing around our garden. Let's just hope this is just a cycle and our honey bees will soon return.Did you Know?     Honeybees everywhere are disappearing. They aren't dying in their hives. They're leaving and not returning, absconding the hive only to leave it with a queen and a small brood. In the 1898 and again in both the 1960...
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My home at Canyon Lake, TX  A place where we celebrate year round. Close to San Antonio, Austin and the famous San Marcos Outlet Stores, Gruene and New Braunfels, The home for Schlitterbahn Waterpartk. You can also go to to find information on other area lakes.   "Where Water Sports Are King" Located on the Guadalupe River in Comal County, Texas, Canyon Lake has 80 miles of scenic shoreline and covers an 8,230 surface acre area.  It is one of the deepest lakes in Texas with an average depth of 43 feet.  Canyon Lake is located approximately half way between San Antonio and Austin, approximately 14 miles northeast of New Braunfels on FM 306 west from IH-35. Canyon Lake Marina There are five communities located around the shores of Canyon Lake. On the north side...
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A property inspection, whether an existing home, or a new construction, covers only areas that are accessible at the time of inspectionMy job as the inspector is to locate problems. I've never inspected a perfect home, even in new construction. It is important to understand that these problem areas are not a repair list but a disclosure of the condition of each element of the home. The reports purpose is to allow the buyer to make a fully informed decision based on information that would not otherwise be obtained.I know you have read this previously but I am going to stress the Importance of getting your home inspected.New Construction -Absolutely-----Existing Home - Absolutely-----Preparing to Sell-----AbsolutelyAlways have your home inspected; this is money well spent.                ...
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ISN'T OUR AMERICAN FLAG BEAUTIFUL? Labor Day is a United States federal holiday that takes place on the first Monday in September. We will celebrate Labor Day September 3rd, 2007.Brief History:  The holiday began in 1882, originating from a desire by the Central Labor Union to offer a day off for the "working man". It is still celebrated mainly as a day of rest and marks the symbolic end of summer for many.We celebrate with backyard get togethers, trips to the zoo, visit the seashore and look forward to visiting with family an friends.I hope each and everyone of you will have an enjoyable day.A special thank you to our military. I am so proud to be an American.May God Bless America.    
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By Bob Sharpe
(Sharpe Country Properties)
Canyon Lake High School in Fischer Texas is just over a week away from opening.  I've noticed the sports teams practicing as I drive by the school on a daily basis, and teachers have been busy setting up their offices and classrooms as well.  All that remains is for students to arrive, and the magic date is August 27. Please join me in welcoming the staff, teachers and students of Canyon Lake High School to the north side of the lake.  It's great to have such quality neighbors!
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 I recently attended a small community gathering where we discussed ways to conserve water. Here are some of the things we discussed. I thought it would be beneficial to share this information. I see much of this each day when I conduct my home inspections. Some has to do with ways to prevent water penetration to the foundation and other ways to divert water. In simple steps in your landscape, you can conserve water but also prevent water problems with your foundation. These are some of the ways we discussed. Use your imagination ways to prevent using so much water in your own landscape.Clear away the area that is overgrown. Let in the light.Tend to regular landscape maintenance.*Cultivate new areas to divert water.*Water when necessary around the home foundation during hot, dry spell. ...
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These few simple tips came off the TAREI website 1) Confirm that the gas, water and electricity are turned on and that the gas pilot lights are burning. 2) Ensure all pets won't hinder the inspection and inform everyone about pets to be kept inside. 3) Replace all burned out light bulbs. 4) Test all smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. Replace the batteries if necessary. 5) Clean or replace dirty HVAC air filters and verify that the filters fit properly and are secured in place. 6) Move wood, stored items or debris away from the foundation walls. 7) Unlock or remove locks from any items the inspector must access such as fence  gates, attic access hatches or doors, electric service panels, special closets, crawl  space access for pier-and-beam homes. 8) Confirm areas and components are ...
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Comal County News Brief: Canyon Lake is open for business, boat ramps are open. Parks, swim beaches and picnic areas on are also open. With some debris in the lake, please use caution when swimming and/or boating. I understand they are letting water out of the lake, but will try to contain the out flow to allow tubing in New Braunfels, depending daily on outflow from Canyon Lake and the recent rains if they will allow tubing in NB. Hope everyone will enjoy  Canyon Lake and New Braunfels Texas  God Bless America and Thank You to our Military.                                                         This blog is written July 2007  
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By Bob Sharpe
(Sharpe Country Properties)
After peaking at 10,000 cfs last night and falling slightly, flow into Canyon Lake is up this morning.  The river is currently flowing into Canyon Lake at an impressive 11,300 cfs.   Canyon Lake is officially full this morning and it now appears that by the time this rain event ends that the lake will be 3-5 feet above normal.  Since the US Army Corp of Engineers is required to bring the lake back down to 909' as soon as possible, it appears that tubers are in for an absolutely great summer on the Guadalupe River.  
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By Bob Sharpe
(Sharpe Country Properties)
It's hard to believe that it's already spring here at Canyon Lake.  Our winter was long and cold (for us anyway) but the days are getting longer and warming up. 2007 promises to be the most exciting, growth oriented year yet at Canyon Lake.  Last year the waterfront market was tight.  This year, the market for all land is tight.  If you're serious about building a home at the lake, now is the time to lock in your land cost.  As we move into the peak selling season, all indicators suggest that it's going to be a crazy summer.
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