
Canyon Lake, TX Real Estate News

By Jeani Codrey, Director of Opportunity & Agent Development
(RE/MAX Corridor)
Canyon Lake Texas Waterfront Market Report December 2009 The end of 2009 has come and gone and it has been a different year for waterfront homes on Canyon Lake Texas.  We are seeing longer days on market for properties that are not properly priced, we are seeing less sales in part because of the lack of second home market activity and because of the nearly impossible to get Jumbo financing.  The inventory is down slightly in the last month of the year and going into 2010 we are starting to see signs that the Jumbo loan market may be loosening up.  Consumer confidence drives the second home market and with a great number of second home buyers coming from adversely affected real estate and financial  markets, Canyon Lake Texas waterfront home sales may continue to be slow in the coming ye...
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By Jeani Codrey, Director of Opportunity & Agent Development
(RE/MAX Corridor)
  Canyon Lake Texas Annual Christmas Parade! This year's parade was a major hit in spite of crummy weather!  One thing Canyon Lake is famous for is our perseverence and great can-do attitude...we never let a little imclement weather steal our joy!  As a people who have survived two major 100 year floods of record, we know how blessed we are and everyone comes out to support the community no matter what! I have been blessed to be the Parade Emcee for the fourth year in a row! Maybe it is my "made for radio" voice or how cute I look in a Santa hat or just because the community knows they can count on me to represent!  I love being the parade emcee and I love the parade.  I have been in the parade every year since I moved to Canyon Lake, generally on a float representing our real estate co...
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By Jeani Codrey, Director of Opportunity & Agent Development
(RE/MAX Corridor)
  Canyon Lake Texas Annual Christmas Parade! This year's parade was a major hit in spite of crummy weather!  One thing Canyon Lake is famous for is our perseverence and great can-do attitude...we never let a little imclement weather steal our joy!  As a people who have survived two major 100 year floods of record, we know how blessed we are and everyone comes out to support the community no matter what! I have been blessed to be the Parade Emcee for the fourth year in a row! Maybe it is my "made for radio" voice or how cute I look in a Santa hat or just because the community knows they can count on me to represent!  I love being the parade emcee and I love the parade.  I have been in the parade every year since I moved to Canyon Lake, generally on a float representing our real estate co...
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Your Christmas Wish! Santa is getting the sleigh ready for another trip. He is feeding his reindeer lots of goodies to make ready for the long trip. His checklist is  "almost" ready to go on his dashboard with names and addresses. He's making a trial run over to the Texas Hill Country just to check things out. Santa wants to inspect the chimneys and set his GPS for the exact landing location.                                                          Have you been Naughty or Nice?    IF you have been nice, leave your CHRISTMAS WISH.    IF you have been Naughty Santa will have to put your wish at the bottom of the list.                                       Don't forget to leave cookies and milk out for Santa                                                                HO!  HO!  HO!     ...
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By Jeani Codrey, Director of Opportunity & Agent Development
(RE/MAX Corridor)
Canyon Lake Texas Waterfront Market Report - November 2009 Waterfront home sales on Canyon Lake, Texas continue to be slow going.  With nearly a two year supply of waterfront homes on the market for sale and sales averaging about one a month, hopes for a quick sale on waterfront homes remains slim.  The keys as always are effective and strategic pricing and strong positioning in the marketplace.  The following statistics are from the Central Texas MLS. ACTIVE WATERFRONT LISTINGS ON CANYON LAKE TEXAS 41 Active Listings Price Range:  $189,500. to $1,295,000. Average List Price:  $565,390.  Median List Price:  $450,000. Average Price Per Square Foot:  $227.38  Median Price Per Square Foot:  $224.55 Average Days On Market:  203 Days Median DOM:  163 Days PENDING WATERFRONT LISTINGS ON CANY...
Comments 2 If you don't have a fireplace you will enjoy this one. I saw this on one of websites that I visit each day. They showed this as a cool site. Have you noticed all the great animated Christmas scenes this year?                                                                                                                                             A place to stop and relax, enjoy!                                                                              --------------------------------- Today's Tip: Always make sure your fireplace fire is secure before you leave the room or your home. It is best to have a professional chimney sweep clean and inspect your home fireplace before you use your fireplace each season. OR, you can just enjoy this at fauxf...
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The Billboard 200. Susan Boyle leads the pack as I Dreamed A Dream debuts at #1 with sales of 701,000. That's the biggest one-week sales total of 2009.                                      If you dream a dream long enough good things can happen. Have Faith!                                                                                If you dream long enough  good things can happen. What a voice. Whether you dream of being the best inspector in your county or the best realtor you may have to dream awhile before it can happen. Look how long it took Susan Boyle's. If you have a dream don't give up you may never know the outcome.
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By Carl Winters
Ceil's Sunday Night Rant! Do we really know what a dollar bill is really worth? Is your dollar bill getting bigger or is it shrinking?      Have you noticed that every time you pick up an item in the grocery store that once cost 50 cents is now $1.00.  Now, I ask who is in control? Who  would have thought the price of bread and a gallon of milk would  cost over $5.00. The only thing you see in the store is hot dogs for under a dollar and the bin is always empty. Does that tell you something? Who's in control?You and I can debate that till the cows come home, but it's true our government is out of control. I don't see any indications that we are better off then we were two years ago. Everywhere we go folks are discussing, the economy, jobs,healthcare and our out of control government. Wh...
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By Jeani Codrey, Director of Opportunity & Agent Development
(RE/MAX Corridor)
Speechless Sunday...Random on Whidbey Island Photography By:  Jeani Thomas Richie, Broker EXIT Hill Country Realty My Photography Website: I was on a vacation in the Pacific Northwest a couple of summers ago and while sitting on a log on the beach on Whidbey Island, looked to my left and saw these randomly scattered stones on the log...the way the sun was shining on them and the stones all around the log captured my eye and I snapped this shot.  I love photograpy and have an exhibit in Texas next weekend!
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Missy and Lissy sure have grown since spring. Thank goodness we finally got some rain; now they have plenty acorns to eat.                                                                          We love to watch the Hill Country deer in our area. Be careful this time of the year when you are driving, seems deer don't look both ways when they cross the road.  I suspect Missy and Lissy will soon be leaving us. We will be waiting for our next fawns when they arrive in the spring. Blog: November 13, 2009 by Ceil Winters....Loving and Living in Comal County Texas                                           -----------------------------------------------------------------------
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Veterans Day - November 11, 2009       It's Veterans Day!  Today is a day to honor our vets. They have made so many sacrifices for our country.                                                   Please take a moment to Remember or say Thank You!                                                                                                                                                                                    God Bless America! Blog November 11, 2009 - Localism for Canyon Lake, Texas  Carl's Complete Home Inspection Service for Comal County Texas. Your Hill Country Inspector
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By Jeani Codrey, Director of Opportunity & Agent Development
(RE/MAX Corridor)
  There is a REALTOR in a real estate resource center...   There is a real estate resource center in a community...        There is a community in a beautiful region...   There is a beautiful region in an great state...      There is a great state in a FREE nation...   There is a FREE nation that has a grateful REALTOR...    I would like to extend a heartfelt THANK YOU to ALL Veterans today, this 2009 Veteran's Day.  For those who have served and made the ultimate sacrifice...Thank You!  To those who have selflessly served and to their families who stood by them...Thank You!  To Those who are serving around the world today...Thank You!  It is an honor to be able to enjoy the very freedom that you have provided...God Bless America and each and every Veteran today and always!      
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By Jeani Codrey, Director of Opportunity & Agent Development
(RE/MAX Corridor)
Canyon Lake Texas Waterfront October 2009 Market Report Sales of waterfront homes on Canyon Lake in the Texas Hill Country continue to be slow going.  The combination of tough to get jumbo financing paired with the second home nature of the local waterfront real estate market have slowed waterfront sales to a snail's pace creating a two year supply of waterfront homes on Canyon Lake.  The following statistics for October 2009 were taken from the Central Texas MLS. ACTIVE LISTINGS 45 Active Residential Waterfront Listings on Canyon Lake Texas List Price Range is 239,937. to $1,295,000. Average List Price is $564,545. and Median List Price is $490,000. Average Price Per Square Foot is $221.81 and Median Price Per Square Foot is $215.93 Average Days On Market (DOM) is 204 and Median DOM i...
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By Jeani Codrey, Director of Opportunity & Agent Development
(RE/MAX Corridor)
Wordless Wednesday...Grace under Pressure... Photography By:  Jeani Thomas Richie, Copyright 2008 This is a photo that I have exhibited in a show.  I took it while on a retreat in Mason, Texas in the gorgeous Texas Hill Country.  As I was walking along a dry creek bed I came across these lush ferns growing out of a solid rock cliff.  It struck me as interesting that something so vibrant and beautiful could grow out of solid rock. My Photography Website
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In case you forgot a few weeks back you helped me decide what granite to use on my new countertops.  In case you missed it I choose CANELLE. So far I have started to remove the drawers, take everything out from underneath the cabinets (just a couple so far). I went to Home Depot and purchased some packing boxes, already have four sitting in my dining room. All myl cabinets are finished and if I do say so for being 50 years old look pretty good. I removed all the hardware, cleaned it and will reuse it.  Today I started to remove the countertrops. OMG  I am already beginning to think maybe I made the wrong decision. I banged, no movement. So I thought well I don't see any screws, it must be really good 50 year old glue. Maybe I'll take the formica off and see  where I need to cut.  Back t...
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By Carl Winters
It's time to mix the Wassail       Great for cold nights                                                                                         Time to Wassail                                                                                       CIDER  WASSAIL                                                                                     (Non Alchol Recipe)   2 quarts apple cider  1 1/2 cups orange juice  3/4 cup pineapple juice  1 tablespoon brown sugar 1/4 cup granulated sugar 1/2 teaspoon lemon juice  2 cinnamon sticks (3 inches) 1 dash ground cinnamon  1 dash ground cloves Mix all ingredients in a pot  and bring to a slow boil; turn off heat and let set a few minutes before you servie warm. If you have a recipe feel free to share with us. Blog: November 1, 2009 Localism for Ho...
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By Jeani Codrey, Director of Opportunity & Agent Development
(RE/MAX Corridor)
PROUD MOMENTS IN THE JOURNEY... My Dad was a masterful musician who played many instruments and sang.  He was talented naturally and played the organ, piano, keyboard, guitar (bass, electric and acoustic), the trombone and sang solo, choir and ensemble.  I have a chest full of his medals, awards, letters, certificates and programs.  Strangely enough my Dad did not take the music route even though he was offered scholarships to do so.  He went into the military and ended up being and engineer in the computer industry for 40 years.  He never gave up music...we always had a guitar and organ or keyboard in our home when I was growing up and I am sorry to admit that my only musical talend is turning on my iPod!  The blessing is that the talent gene skipped a generation and landed in my only ...
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By Jeani Codrey, Director of Opportunity & Agent Development
(RE/MAX Corridor)
  Canyon Lake Texas HalloweenFest in Sattler! We live and work in a rural area where trick or treating is just not something that is easily done.  It is dark, there are wild animals, there are stretches of road where it is a mile between homes.  It is just not an area conducive to the festivities that accompany the Halloween holiday.  Fortunately we have a great Chamber of Commerce that rallied the businesses in one of our communities to start a central trick or treating event for the kids of the area.  It has been a raving success and has turned into a rather large and well attended event.  Each year it just seems to get bigger!    Canyon Lake Texas HalloweenFest in Sattler!  The solution is a great one...the Comal County Sheriffs and Constables direct traffic and help pedestrians cros...
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