Conroe Noon Lions Club makes a difference worldwide to those in need
By Henry D, Nationwide Construction, Rehab,Conv & VA/FHA/USDA
Right here in Conroe there is an absolutely amazing thing going on. It's called the Conroe Noon Lions Club. Many of you reading this may not know of the history of the Lions Clubs and aside from a collection box for Eyeglasses seen here or there you may not be aware of the work of this incredible organization. I say this because a few short years ago I was ignorant of most of this and am now proud to be a member and a small part of the Conroe Noon Lions for the past few years. A Brief History of Lions Clubs International In 1917, Melvin Jones, a Chicago business leader, told members of his local business club they should reach beyond business issues and address the betterment of their communities and the world. His group agreed, held an organizational meeting in June, 1917, in Chicago. ...