I almost threw this to the Recycle Bin
By Mehmet Met Dilsiz
(FND Photography / M2 Real Estate Solutions)
Although I have been an amateur photographer for over 15 years, i have never thought about making money from it. Few years ago, I got into stock photography, which is the opposite end of artistic photography. Although it was a struggle in the beginning, I was able to make it a nice hobby that pays for my new cameras and accessories, as well as enough to put aside for a nicer retirement. It is nice to collect royalties long after the image is taken and processed.But this image (below) was one of the glorious moments of my photography in the past few years :)I took this image with a black background and after looking at it at 100% resolution (it was taken at 6Mp at the time), I realized that my finger and my hand (which is the whole object in the picture) is blurry. My first thought ...