
Norfolk, VA Real Estate News

By Denise Allen, Realtor@ Chesapeake, Hampton Roads
(Resh Realty Group)
A $40 million contract was awarded recently to start building 4.5 miles of the light rail system.  The contract went to Skanska USA Southeast Inc.  Work should start in march and will run from Old Dominion University to Newtown Rd.  The work will take about 18 months.  Hopefully Virginia Beach will get on board and bring light rail to the beach.  Come and see ALL the Homes for Sale in Virginia Beach, Chesapeake, Norfolk, as well as the rest of Hampton Roads.  This site is updated daily with new real estate listings, pictures and other information vital to your home search.Google deniseallen
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By Gene Allen, Realty Consultant for Cary Real Estate
(Fathom Realty)
Not the newest but the newest thing in exercise.  Hula Hoops.  Who would figure.  You can go ask Paula Brown who hangs out at the corner of Cromwell Parkway and Granby St.  It is a common-sense approach to aerobics.  The newer hoops which are made for exercising are heavier than the original plastic hoops.  This gives you more of a good workout.  Come and see ALL the Homes for Sale in Virginia Beach, Chesapeake, Norfolk, as well as the rest of Hampton Roads.  This site is updated daily with new real estate listings, pictures and other information vital to your home search.Google gene allen
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By Denise Allen, Realtor@ Chesapeake, Hampton Roads
(Resh Realty Group)
Norfolk City Council found itself in the middle disgruntled taxpayers once again.  The complaint is the city is spending too much money on downtown and not enough on roads, schools and police.  The biggest complaint is the taxes need to come down because of soaring assessments.  These messages were sent to the council by a grouped formed last year called the Norfolk Tea Party 2.  The group is circulating surveys to gauge how much support there is for a 12 cent cut in the real estate tax rate.  The city says they need all the money they can get and the Tea Party people say to cut waste to make ends meet.  I am guessing both sides have a point but cities like to spend on big money projects that bring in big jobs.  Let us hope there is a compromise.  Come and se...
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By Gene Allen, Realty Consultant for Cary Real Estate
(Fathom Realty)
5 month old lion cubs, Granby and Neka, made their first public outing a few weeks ago.  I wasn't able to make it but was told that the rainy weather didn't stop the cubs from having a good time playing with each other.  Neka is the female and appears to be the more aggressive of the two.  She has been seen fighting her mom Zola, for food and tearing at the mane of her father Mramba.  I don't have any pictures but you can follow this link to the cub cam and if you are lucky you can watch from your computer screen.  Come and see ALL the Homes for Sale in Virginia Beach, Chesapeake, Norfolk, as well as the rest of Hampton Roads.  This site is updated daily with new real estate listings, pictures and other information vital to your home s...
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By Gene Allen, Realty Consultant for Cary Real Estate
(Fathom Realty)
Fairmont Park was established around 1904 and the lots started at $92.00.  As a place for homes it didn't really take off for twenty years.  Then it was found by World War 1 vets and off it went.  The streets were named for famed battles such as Verdun, Marne, Bapaume, the bloddy Somme and the infamos Vimy Ridge.  The leaders are also acknowledge with streets such as Pershing and Kitchener.  Next time you take a trip through Norfolk, take a trip through Fairmont Park and remember the fallen heros.  Come and see ALL the Homes for Sale in Virginia Beach, Chesapeake, Norfolk, as well as the rest of Hampton Roads.  This site is updated daily with new real estate listings, pictures and other information vital to your home search.Google gene allen 
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By Gene Allen, Realty Consultant for Cary Real Estate
(Fathom Realty)
The state last year restricted cities from condemning blighted properties just because they are blighted.  With that in mind, the city is looking into condeming some properties in the Wards Corner area of the city.  In its place would be a skate park.  That would be for a public recreational facility and is allowed under the new state rules.  The city is looking hard at several sites but there are problems with most of them.  The Wards Corner option would solve several problems at one time.  Come and see ALL the Homes for Sale in Virginia Beach, Chesapeake, Norfolk, as well as the rest of Hampton Roads.  This site is updated daily with new real estate listings, pictures and other information vital to your home search.Google gene allen 
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By Denise Allen, Realtor@ Chesapeake, Hampton Roads
(Resh Realty Group)
Finally.  The eyesore will be gone.  The eyesore is a capsized boat off a pier in Little Bay.  It can be seen just before you go into the tunnel off I64.  Of course nothing happens fast in boatland.  You have to find the owner (not like looking for the owner of a car).  If the owner isn't found then a notice is posted on the boat.  After two weeks with no response the city will haul the boat away.  Hopefully they will do some recycling before it goes to the landfill.  Come and see ALL the Homes for Sale in Virginia Beach, Chesapeake, Norfolk, as well as the rest of Hampton Roads.  This site is updated daily with new real estate listings, pictures and other information vital to your home search.Google denise allen
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By Gene Allen, Realty Consultant for Cary Real Estate
(Fathom Realty)
Tommy Smigiel of Norview High fame is in the running for Teacher Of The Year.  If he wins he would be the first teacher from Hampton Roads to receive the award.  The contest is sponsored by the Council of Chief State  School Officers and the ING foundation.  Smigiel is in only his eighth year of teaching and is teaching at his alma mater.  Let us pray for his continued success in his drive for teacher of the year.  Come and see ALL the Homes for Sale in Virginia Beach, Chesapeake, Norfolk, as well as the rest of Hampton Roads.  This site is updated daily with new real estate listings, pictures and other information vital to your home search.Google gene allen
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By Gene Allen, Realty Consultant for Cary Real Estate
(Fathom Realty)
The Wisconsin may be mothballed but she still brings her big guns to the party.  She is berthed next to Nauticus which is Norfolks' idea of a Naval Museum.  The last figure for visitors to the battleship was 1.8 million and should top 2 million by April.  Please come out and keep these two wonderful places afloat.  Come and see ALL the Homes for Sale in Virginia Beach, Chesapeake, Norfolk, as well as the rest of Hampton Roads.  This site is updated daily with new real estate listings, pictures and other information vital to your home search.Google gene allen
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By Gene Allen, Realty Consultant for Cary Real Estate
(Fathom Realty)
Norfolk has a green store.  In fact it is the only one in the area.  The store is called Green Alternatives and is owned by Amanda Clarkson and her mother, Frances.  Where else could you buy stationary made from elephant poop or soy candles, nylon shopping bags and greeting cards embedded with wildflower seeds.  You can recycle your old computers, DVD players and other electronic items for free.  They call this e-cycling or recycling electronic wastes.  The store has teamed up Computer Recycling of Virginia and they say they do not dump their products in third would countries.  Come and see ALL the Homes for Sale in Virginia Beach, Chesapeake, Norfolk, as well as the rest of Hampton Roads.  This site is updated daily with new real estate listings, pictures and ...
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By Gene Allen, Realty Consultant for Cary Real Estate
(Fathom Realty)
Lamar Rivers is not only a mail carrier but he is one that pays attention and cares about people.  Recently he noticed mail piling up in one of his customer's mailbox in the Camellia Shores area.  He became suspicious and rang her door bell.  When she did not answer he went around the home trying to find her.  He alerted some neighbors and eventually got into the house.  They found her on the floor with the phone off the hook.  She had suffered a stroke and had been there for up to 48 hours.  Make sure you give Lamar Rivers the due he deserves.  Come and see ALL the Homes for Sale in Virginia Beach, Chesapeake, Norfolk, as well as the rest of Hampton Roads.  This site is updated daily with new real estate listings, pictures and other information vital to your h...
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By Denise Allen, Realtor@ Chesapeake, Hampton Roads
(Resh Realty Group)
No nothing to do with global warming (maybe a little).  The ground breaking for the Norfolk's starter light rail line, called the Tide. drew around 300 people.  The mayor, Paul Fraim, expects the station at Harbor Park to be the transit hub that will connect light rail to a high speed rail line that would run to Richmond, Washington and beyond.  Rising gas prices and growing congestion will force the city to rely more heavily on public transportation in the future. The light rail lines will end at Newtown Road because so far Virginia Beach has not signed on for the ride.  I don't know if it is good or bad but from the few places that it is a success, real estate prices around the stations has skyrocketed and that is good for everybody.   
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By Gene Allen, Realty Consultant for Cary Real Estate
(Fathom Realty)
How many planning sessions, court hearings and petition drives will it take for council members to hear what the citizens are saying.  They want a park at Bay Oaks.  This is a 21 acre site in Norfolk's' East Ocean View that city would dearly love to put back on the real estate tax rolls and the residents would dearly love to see as a park.  Hopefully someone will compromise and keep this from the state supreme court again.  Come and see ALL the Homes for Sale in Virginia Beach, Chesapeake, Norfolk, as well as the rest of Hampton Roads.  This site is updated daily with new real estate listings, pictures and other information vital to your home search.Google gene allen
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By Gene Allen, Realty Consultant for Cary Real Estate
(Fathom Realty)
Not if council members have their way.  Three historic buildings in downtown Norfolk will be razed for a new hotel and convention center.  Preservationists are mounting a petition drive to force the city to delay the demolition.  This is a last resort effort.  The signs are up and demolition of this real estate is imminent.  The council does not want to stop the destruction of the three buildings.  On a side note, Norfolk's downtown area was named in May as one of the Most Endangered Historic Sites in Virginia by the Preservation of Virginia Antiquities/Preservation .  Now we now way.
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By Denise Allen, Realtor@ Chesapeake, Hampton Roads
(Resh Realty Group)
With global warming coming to be a big thing state scientists are saying that the seal level could rise 2 to 5 feet.  That would cause major flooding in Norfolk and Virginia Beach.  Think that could affect real estate prices?  Is there a way around it?  Only if we get serious and aggressive.  Everybody agrees its a problem but no one agrees on how to fix it.
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By Gene Allen, Realty Consultant for Cary Real Estate
(Fathom Realty)
The Eastern Virginia Medical School (EVMS) has an impact of $700 million in revenues and costs of lost medical care annually.  This is from a report commissioned by EVMS.  A little bit about the numbers.  EVMS provides free services such as vaccinations and counseling to the tune of 94,000 children in the area.  It is the 23rd larges non-federal employer in the region and if patients had to go outside the region for care provided for by EVMS the area would loose $20.25 million in spending.  The list goes on but you get the idea.  I for one am certainly glad EVMS is around.
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By Denise Allen, Realtor@ Chesapeake, Hampton Roads
(Resh Realty Group)
23 units at the newly built Grandy Village apartments have meant the U.S. Department of Energy and Environmental Portends guidelines for a energy efficiency.  These are assisted rental units and are now Energy-Star certified.  It is supposed ot cost $113 a month to supply water as well at to cool and heat.  The standard for a 1,024 sq ft house is $169 a month.  Low-flow water fixtures, a geothermal HVAC system, fluorescent lights as well as measures taken during construction all add up to the dramatic decrease.  Norfolk hopes to use more of these measures in more of the new housing when built.
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By Gene Allen, Realty Consultant for Cary Real Estate
(Fathom Realty)
The Decker Building in Norfolk is going to have a face-lift.  The current face is going to be removed piece by piece and then put back together around the corner.  It will be like a giant sized puzzle when dismantled and put back together.  It will be completely restored when it is put back together in 18 months or so.  The whole project will cost probably three times what the entire original building costs back in 1919.
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By Gene Allen, Realty Consultant for Cary Real Estate
(Fathom Realty)
City officials hammered out an agreement with Bon Secours that gives them a 64 bed hospital down from a 238 bed hospital and they are happy.  Originally Bon Secours was only going to give 54 beds.  Of course these beds won't be lost, they will be transferred to Suffolk and Virginia Beach where the population is growing and the money is there for the beds.  The alternative according to Bon Secours is shut the old hospital down because it is aging and not profitable. 
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