Alfred Hitchcock Event set to be held in the Town of Ludlow Vermont
By Dale Baker, New Hampshire Relocation Real Estate Information
(Baker Energy Audits and Commercial Properties Inspections)
Alfred Hitchcock Event set to be held in the Town of Ludlow Vermont, folks so what do you have planed to do this evening? This eveniung of this day of Thursday the 19th day of September 2013 there is a program event being held for folks to enjoy attending. Folks this here program event has been scheduled to begin at 7:00 P.M. at the Fletcher Memorial Library which is located at 88 Main Street in Ludlow, Vermont. Folks you'll be able to enjoy the program Alfred Hitchcock and the Art of Suspense by film Expert Rick Winston. The program is being hosted by The Friens of the Library under the Sponsorship of the Vermont Humanities Council. Happiness sure is Homemade Have a good one Dale in New Hampshire Folks I sure do want to say Thank you mighty kindly for stopping by to visit, read...