Brand Loyalty We didn't have new cars in our family growing up. Dad bought used cars through his network of friends. The very first car I can remember was a black late model 1940's Ford Coupe. I was 3 or 4 years old and we were on our way home from Grandma and Grandpa's one day when I lost my Teddy Bear out the window on Logan Avenue in Renton. Dad was not happy, but he stopped to pick it up. Around 1958/59 we had a red 1949 Ford 2 door coupe. Mom learned to drive in this one. It was a 3 speed on the column and I still remember the sound of grinding gears and watching her leap frog it up and down the alley behind the high school as she practiced for her license. Mom was just 5 feet tall, so the front seat was pushed forward as far as it would go and there were a couple of big pillows at...