Inspiration comes from doing the work. Create your box and stay in it!
By Rene Fabre, Practicing Philosophical Eclectic of the Arts
(ARFCO Media)
Maybe I could put that a little more succinctly? “I’m no expert, but I love to tinker.” As a guy with an artist’s bent I love looking at everyday common things and finding one thing about it that’s special or unique. Be it blogging or composing I enjoy revealing the inherent drama any object or idea has by framing it in an attempt to reveal how a most simple thing can convey a lot of meaning, feeling, or emotion if it’s just looked at in the right setting or from a certain perspective. I studied music composition and theory for many years. This is my wellspring for almost everything I create. It’s where I come from. I love all kinds of music and a favorite genre is 20th Century orchestral music by composers like Stravinsky, Bartok, Debussy, Ravel, Harris, Copeland, etc. One thing I lear...