
Renton, WA Real Estate News

By Rene Fabre, Practicing Philosophical Eclectic of the Arts
(ARFCO Media)
Yesterday was a rare day. With the advent of a four day weekend I had a little spare time. I took a break from the routine and enjoyed a quiet day at home. I’m indulging me the artist and hanging out with my friends on the bookshelf and wandering from one genre of music to the next. There’s something about just after Thanksgiving. Perhaps it's the short lull before Christmas, winter, and the end of another year that puts me in this particular frame of mind. Today the weather is calm. No rain or wind, just overcast. In the Pacific Northwest we’ve had a few autumn storms and I'm sure there’s more to come, but today mother nature is at rest and so am I. The brilliant colors of fall have faded and there are but few leaves of yellow and orange to highlight our surroundings. In fact my sense ...
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By Colleen Fischesser Northwest Property Shop, A Tradition of Trust in the Pacific NW since 1990!
(NextHome Experience)
Yesterday I posted a market update on Condo sales in Renton, WA. I love posting market reports, not only because they are useful to the consumer, but as a real estate Broker, I find them an invaluable tool for staying on top of market trends and activity. Sometimes, I can get caught up in the process of listing and negotiating short sales here in South King County, such that stats and analysis are only done only on an "as needed" basis....for instance, when preparing a market analysis for a home owner. This is really not how I like to run my business, but the blunt truth is, there are only so many hours in the day. But the short week and long Thanksgiving weekend have given me some much needed "catch up time" and I'm market reporting myself giddy. What's interesting about the report I p...
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By Rene Fabre, Practicing Philosophical Eclectic of the Arts
(ARFCO Media)
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone... Wishing you all a holiday full of cheer, good company, and an awesome Thanksgiving dinner. May you and your loved ones be blessed with good fortune, good health, and the wealth of knowing you are loved. These figurines in the picture certainly aren’t a traditional Thanksgiving representation, yet during the holidays I am always drawn to them. They aren’t expensive pieces by any means, but priceless to me because of how they came down through the family. My grandmother inherited them from her aunt, then to my mom, and then to me. They’re about 100 years old. As the years went by these simple figurines inspired me in so many different ways. They always kindle warm remembrances of family past (especially when I contemplate my family's future). They have a qui...
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By Rene Fabre, Practicing Philosophical Eclectic of the Arts
(ARFCO Media)
AR, we’ve been hanging out now, steady like for 3 years. I spec’t some might be think'n we’re get'n serious or something. But I gotta admit, I like be’n round ya. Funny... but, when we first met I wasn’t all too sure about it. I mean I like you n’ all, but it was a little intimidate'n. I kinda kept my distance. You were always attract'n so much attention. All those flamboyant friends of yours, clamoring round all the time, talkin’ loud and proud like. You’d a Thought it was a... Saturday Night Hootenanny or Something. Well... finally, it came to me. I weren’t gonna meet nobody round here stand'n in the corner. I gotta get out there on the floor n’ join the dance! So... I made up my mind 3 years ago this very day and started say'n hello and such to those kind folk around here. I even scr...
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By Rene Fabre, Practicing Philosophical Eclectic of the Arts
(ARFCO Media)
First it was, I’m going to go blind from staring into the glaring monitor, then it was carpal tunnel from too many keyboarding hours. Then, I’m going to get fat and flabby from too much sitting. Then, it was tendinitis in my thumbs from too much texting on my cell phone. And now? It’s Popcorn Brain.Doesn’t that bring up a lively assortment of images... Man... I never knew Technology could be so dangerous! I’m a little late to this party. CNN’s Elizabeth Cohen, did a post on Popcorn Brain(June 23, 2011). Popcorn Brain is a mental state happening to people who get so into the constant stimulation of the rapid multi-tasking online life they can't function in the slower paced life offline. They choose the way of the net junkie over people, activities, or even having kids. It does give me pa...
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By Rene Fabre, Practicing Philosophical Eclectic of the Arts
(ARFCO Media)
I had a great reminder today of life’s little wonders. I was driving through downtown Renton. It was just after school let out and the yellow buses were everywhere. As I made my way down Logan Ave S across the street from the Piazza the bus in front of me stopped. The doors pop open and a bunch of kids ramble in a heap onto the sidewalk. While I'm waiting they almost instantly start running around the bench kicking the leaves. They're scooping them up and throwing them at each other, laughing all the way, having a blast. Then I notice the gal down past the tree raking leaves. She seems oblivious for the moment that the kids are undoing her work. It brought a smile to my face and I started to chuckle (I couldn't help myself). What a wonderful timeless scene. Children playing and laughing...
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By Rene Fabre, Practicing Philosophical Eclectic of the Arts
(ARFCO Media)
I'm really beginning to get how profound Google + is and one of my dear friends, Meri Walker, has really helped me. I'm thankful for the jumpstart... She shared a post titled, Critical Thinking Asylum with a funny remark that cracked me up. Meri asked the question: "I'm looking for comrades in the fight to keep critical thinking alive." I responded with, " I thought we had app's for that? ;O) You had to be there (as the saying goes) but while I was laughing, I was on a roll... You crack me up and I'm LOL so hard my gut hurts... No, "there ain't no such thing as a critical thinking app" (and I know you know that!) ~ ((and I'm not crotchety, but admit (damn it) to getting older))... And what's that about anyway, need I complain? I woke up this morning and according to my thinking near the...
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By Rene Fabre, Practicing Philosophical Eclectic of the Arts
(ARFCO Media)
I was lost in thought about how much social media is changing. Cyberspace seems to be cluttered and noisy lately and I’m feeling the need to revamp. I’m thinking about this while I'm driving through downtown Renton during rush hour. My soundtrack is The Beatles, Abbey Road. Golden Slumber... “Once there was a way to get back homeward. Once there was a way to get back home.” I turn onto Main Street and dang!, I forgot about the road work. My little ethereal drift is interrupted when an impatient driver cuts me off and I can't get out of the right lane before the detour forces me to make another right and round the block I go to where I started. What an awesome metaphor for my state of mind, I’m thinking! We’re no longer drinking from the fire hose, it’s a tsunami! I feel the need to ass...
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By John
(Green City Window and Door)
Window Replacement Renton can be one of your home's most attractive features. Window Replacement Renton can provide you with convenient ventilation, ease of use, superior natural light, and cleaning convenience not found in older windows. If you have an older home, or inefficient windows you could be throwing up 30% of your heating and cooling dollars out the window, literally. On average, with Window Replacement Renton, the owner could expect to recoup approximately 69% upon the sale of the home when replacing their older windows with Window Replacement Renton from Green City Window and Door. Green City Window and Door : We are a General Contractor with over 45 years of experience in the building trades specializing in replacing residential windows and doors...
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By Rene Fabre, Practicing Philosophical Eclectic of the Arts
(ARFCO Media)
I was helping a friend out last Saturday, but I’ll skip that story. We were at Hawthorn Stereo on Roosevelt Ave in Seattle so he could sell them some studio monitors to make rent. “Media says”... we’re recovering from this recession yet I know several friends that are having a hard time making ends meet. While my friend makes his deal I wander around the store. I notice there's a room off to the side and step in to take a look. Oh my, it's like an audio museum, full of beautiful old radios, turntables, speakers and receivers. I'm in awe and at the same time trying to juxtapose my feelings about my friend having hard times and suddenly being confronted with my past through the filter of old audio technology. What immediately captured my attention was the radios. Many of them were old, ev...
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By Rene Fabre, Practicing Philosophical Eclectic of the Arts
(ARFCO Media)
I had to make a run to the grocery store this afternoon. I’m out of just about everything, except canned food. I’ve been busy working on projects the last couple of weeks (and admittedly over obsessed about getting my laptop rebuilt because it got taken down with a lethal virus forcing me to opt for the last resort total nuke restore back to the original factory W7 2009 install) that I procrastinated shopping and several other chores. As I was getting into my truck I looked up and there was Blackie. Now Blackie I’m sure has an owner somewhere in our condo complex. I know this as a long time resident of the community. Cats get abandoned around here all the time. They may continue on the grounds for quite a while, several months maybe, but sooner more than later they get disappeared. I ni...
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By Paul McFadden, Pest Control, Seattle, WA.
(Responsive Pest Control)
Hi all: I hope you had a great weekend! I'm excited to participate in the Habitat for Humanity Build-A-Thon this Wednesday October 5 in Renton, WA. This is something I've always wanted to do and I'm lucky to be on the team of a good friend of mine. I'm not sure exactly what I'll be doing and I definitely am not that great with tools. It's also supposed to rain so I'm getting my rain gear ready. But, again, I'm excited to help. I believe in Habitat for Humanity's vision to build affordable housing for those who need it and wouldn't be surprised if I commit to this every year. Please wish me well and if you're interested in being a helper, let me know. It should be a great day! Enjoy your day today!
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By David Edwards
(Edwards Real Estate Group, Inc.)
The Renton School District has planned a community open house for the Renton Memorial Stadium which recently underwent renovations paid for by a school construction bond measure that passed in May of 2008. The event, scheduled for Saturday, October 22nd between 11:00 AM and 2:00 PM is free and open to the public. There will be a brief presentation at noon including performances from high school drill/dance teams and the Seattle Seahawks Blue Thunder drumline. The Stadium work is estimated to cost about $7 million. This marks the first full renovation of the Stadium in decades, with improvements to bleachers, grandstands, roof, plumbing and electrical systems, the ticket booth, and more. The home section of the Stadium is complete. As part of the plans (and included in the cost listed ab...
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By Rene Fabre, Practicing Philosophical Eclectic of the Arts
(ARFCO Media)
On this 10th anniversary of 9/11 I remember it like it was yesterday and I know exactly where I was and what I was doing when this terrible event took place. Hardly a memory has been engraved so deeply and clearly. For a guy like me who talks a lot about everything everywhere, I find it hard to articulate my thoughts and memories this day. The words don’t come easy and they seem feeble under the circumstances. I’m not sure why that is exactly yet I acknowledge previous wars, lost loves, broken dreams, and disappointments have made me a quieter man. We don heroes and rightfully so. I am deeply indebted to those that have given of themselves so we might have a chance at a life and freedom. Today I am quiet in reflection and truly grateful. It seems to me today we've been fighting terroris...
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By Rene Fabre, Practicing Philosophical Eclectic of the Arts
(ARFCO Media)
I think I’m getting a complex. The other day Foursquare was getting me down. Now I totally get the opportunity for fun and interaction with people via updating your location and it’s good for your SEO, but lately it’s choking my Blackberry 8330... Yes, I know. How can any self respecting social media guy like me even survive with that antiquated old piece of dinosaur? But, it’s paid for, and I’m anxiously holding out for a Droid 4g. If I’m lucky, I just get a “too many threads” error and back out. If not the phone freezes and I have to remove the battery to reboot and wait 10+ minutes for everything to come back up, then answer all of the obligatory Q & A from all the services. It happens about once a week when I’m using the camera (which most of you know I do a lot), and I get a call a...
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By Rene Fabre, Practicing Philosophical Eclectic of the Arts
(ARFCO Media)
I was in that blissful state of not quite half a sleep, not yet awake, and dreaming. I was well into a sci-fi like dream about how we were all in a big hurry trying to get to the future first. “Is it a race?” It seemed paramount, “where is ‘first’ in the future anyway? Then Poof! To late, so sad, I’m awake, and it quickly fades then the alarm goes off. I’ve been kicking this idea around the last week or so about life is like driving a car. What keeps coming up for me is the thought, “It’s important to keep your eyes on the road ahead of you, but don’t forget to be aware of what’s going on behind you and from where you came...” Check the Rear View Mirror. Dang, I’m out of coffee this morning! I have a Costco run planned so I didn’t buy any at the big box grocery store. I’m no fool, I got...
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By Rene Fabre, Practicing Philosophical Eclectic of the Arts
(ARFCO Media)
At the Renton Farmers Market last Tuesday I stopped by to pick up some fresh veggies. I drive right by the Piazza downtown Renton most weekdays on my way home. I’ve blogged about the Renton Farmers Market a few times but today it's about the music. As I drove by I could hear a small ensemble rocking out on an old Ramsey Lewis tune, The In Crowd. I parked my truck a few blocks away and as I walked back to the Piazza I could hear the music bouncing between buildings. It was just after 6:00 pm and the Market closes at 7:00. I felt like I was late and hearing the music created a sense of urgency. I didn't want to miss anything. As I crossed the street and realized I was walking faster and faster I laughed out loud at myself (which got me a few odd looks). There’s nothing more exciting than ...
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By Rene Fabre, Practicing Philosophical Eclectic of the Arts
(ARFCO Media)
Dad would have been 90 years old today. He was born in Newcastle, Washington in 1921 in a coal mining camp. The second son to George and Pauline Fabre. As a young boy he was inspired to be an accordion player like his Uncle Pete Delaurenti. That was in the midst of the Great Depression and money was scarce. But his Grandma Céline Boulanger believed in him, bought the accordion, and helped him pay for lessons. Like all boys, there were times I wanted to be just like him, and times I didn't (especially in the 60's during the English Invasion). Yet time passed and I became a dad myself. As the saying goes, he got a lot smarter as I got older. Then more time passes and I find myself in my mid 40’s. I was getting ready for work one morning when it hit me. I looked in the mirror and, “Oh my G...
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By Rene Fabre, Practicing Philosophical Eclectic of the Arts
(ARFCO Media)
I was downtown Renton yesterday headed for the Farmers Market after work. I found a place to park on Williams Ave S right behind this awesome Russian Ural motorcycle. I haven't seen many of these around. This is the "Gear-Up" model. It was originally built as a military bike back in 1941. It's based on the BMW R71. Story has it that the Russian's smuggled them into the country via Sweden to reverse engineer them for the war effort. IMA - Ural is headquartered in Irbit, Russia in the Ural Mountain region. They were built to go over rough roads and trails where only a horse or donkey could traverse. They're popularity is worldwide and they sell everyone they make. In 2010 they made 800 of them. Irbit MotorWorks of America is the importer and they have a great website: The Gea...
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By Rene Fabre, Practicing Philosophical Eclectic of the Arts
(ARFCO Media)
I started kindergarten in the fall of 1955. We lived in the Renton Highlands then in one of those little cracker box homes built in 1942 to house the great influx of people who came here to work for Boeing and Pacific Car & Foundry (PACCAR) during World War II... Our kindergarten class met in the basement of the neighborhood Baptist Church about five blocks from our home. I don’t recall much about it except a few fleeting little memories that somehow stuck with me through the years. Mostly I remember playing outside in a small field (which was actually a wee bit of lawn and a gravel parking lot). The boys hung out together and played tag, kick ball, and told tall stories to each other. The girls? They had their girl clan and what they did or talked about remained mostly a mystery to me....
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