I am grateful for my location…
By Paul S. Henderson, REALTOR®, CRS, South Puget Sound Washington Agent/Broker!
(Fathom Realty Washington LLC)
I find myself reflecting on the numerous blessings that living in Washington State has brought into my life. This beautiful corner of the Pacific Northwest has provided me with countless reasons to be grateful. First and foremost, the natural beauty of Washington State is a constant source of wonder and joy. The lush forests, majestic mountains, and pristine lakes and rivers have offered me endless opportunities for outdoor exploration and recreation. From hiking in the Cascades to sailing on Puget Sound, I've been able to connect with nature in a way that has enriched my life and kept me active and healthy. Another reason for gratitude is the sense of community that permeates Washington. The people here are known for their friendliness, inclusivity, and strong sense of environmental s...