Adam Crocker's (adamcrocker) Blog

Real Estate Agent - Elite Properties - 117547
  The Olympia & Lacey listings are one piece of what is now a towering real estate marketing colossus. Our MLS is like the bulletin board at the local supermarket where you pin up your garage sale notice or picture of the old lawn mower you’d like to get rid of in that it’s simple to use and, for...
 Suppose you have put your Olympia & Lacey home on the market, but the number of showings is signaling that your asking price is not attracting much buyer interest. In most cases, you will notch the price down to a competitive level. That’s simply responding to the real life market in real time.B...
  This will be a heads-up for Olympia & Lacey residents who may be applying for a home loan in the future: there are some major adjustments underway that could affect their eligibility. It hasn’t been talked about much—possibly because most peoples’ eyes tend to glaze over when the topic of loan ...
 One way or another, it’s all connected.Last week ended with what some observers justifiably called a “shocking” development—one that could impact Olympia’s home buyers and sellers measurably—at least in the short run. It came with the release of the employment statistics from the Department of L...
 It’s interesting to look into how many ways the universe of food —be it restaurants, markets, cooking, gardening or eating—intersects with the world of real estate. The connections are many and important. That’s true from the moment a future Olympia homeowner begins to look into the current crop...
 Most Olympia house flipping veterans can look back on their successful projects and place them in either of two columns. Either they were intended to be quick flips—turnarounds where speed was a prime ingredient because of an original tactical decision—or they were not.The quick flips depend on ...
 A mega-proportion of serious Olympia house hunters ultimately decide it makes the most sense to team up with a real estate professional to get the job done. Olympia buyers may begin the process of finding and buying their next home on their own, checking through the online listings or driving ta...
 It wasn’t exactly huge news, but last week, the revised economic numbers showed improvement! When does that ever happen—when the final revisions come in, don’t they always seem to be in a downward direction? Yet Friday’s release from the Associated Press told a different story. Earlier reports o...
 Moving Day: for Olympia residents who relish order in their lives, this is one day when no amount of preparation is likely to totally quell the feeling that the world is on the verge of chaos. The day (or days, if the move is one that begins or ends outside Olympia) will predictably end with all...
 When you set about selling your Lacey house, it’s good to adopt the kind of determined mindset that’s served you well in other pursuits. That’s all well and fine, so long as you keep in mind that when it comes to selling a house, in addition to being a serious business undertaking, it is one tha...

Adam Crocker

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