Hi! This is Nathan Olotoa from 59days2sold.com. Today I want to talk about Why Is My Agent Trying To Talk Me Out Of Buying A Short Sale in ? Seattle,WA– The Stop Foreclosure Institute recently received a question from Tamra. She is buying a home and her agent is trying to talk her out of short sa
Hi! This is Nathan Olotoa from 59days2sold.com. Today I want to talk about Short Sales: Yes, Banks Are Approving Short Sales in Seattle-Tacoma, WA Seattle, WA– The Stop Foreclosure Institute sometimes receives e-mails from people that short sales are impossible. Well, short sales are not impossib
Hi! This is Nathan Olotoa from 59days2sold.com. Today I want to talk about Short Sales: A 2nd Common Loan Modification Mistake and How to Avoid It Seattle WA,– Here is another common loan modification mistake that many homeowners make. They accept a very short term payment agreement that is not a
Hi! This is Nathan Olotoa from 59days2sold.com. Today I want to talk about Short Sales: A Common Loan Modification Mistake and How To Avoid It Seattle, WA – Most homeowners negotiating a loan modification are not amazing negotiators. After all, it’s not every American’s job to be a great negotia
Hi! This is Nathan Olotoa from 59days2sold.com. Today I want to talk about Short Sales: How To Lower Your Mortgage Payment Without A Refi [ Seattle, WA – A lot of people in today’s lending market are stuck. They locked in their interest rate when rates were higher. Now, they are barred from refin
Hi! This is Nathan Olotoa from 59days2sold.com. Today I want to talk about Short Sales: A Cautionary Tale On Loan Modifications Seattle, WA – Loan Modifications are tough. Lenders don’t want to reduce your payment or reduce the amount you owe. It’s insane. Don’t even get me started on the topic o
Hi! This is Nathan Olotoa from 59days2sold.com. Today I want to talk about Short Sales: Will I Owe Income Tax After A Short Sale? Seattle, WA – This is one of the first questions potential short sale sellers ask us. “I heard of something called “forgiveness of debt income and that it is taxable.
Hi! This is Nathan Olotoa from 59days2sold.com. Today I want to talk about Short Sales: An Advanced Strategy To Stop Harassing Debt Collector Calls Seattle, WA – Many of the short sale sellers we help are selling their home to avoid foreclosure. In addition, they are receiving lots of harassing c
– If you are facing financial hardship, then paying credit cards and other unsecured debts is your lowest priority. An unsecured debt is a debt where they can't take away your car or house. A secured debt has something as collateral, such as your car, house, or anything else of value. The most c
Hi! This is Nathan Olotoa from 59days2sold.com. Today I want to talk about Short Sales: Can I buy again right after a Short Sale? "Yes, you can Short Sale and buy another home." – We get this question a lot from people. “I am upside down and need to move. I would like to buy another home. Can I d