Like I already told Lori Kim Polk, who is the author of this article, she spoke directly to my heart. I have a soft spot for animals, and also here are some great ways we can help people in our local community. What’s in your wallet… let your heart lead you. Give and you shall receive.
I wrote an article, titled, "Home loan modification, is it possible?" It expressed my disappointment about the home loan modification process and it was a little scary to put out there because it was opinionated. I continue to get calls and emails from people looking for help. I followed that a
Friday, February 26, 2010 - 1:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Knock, knock.... Friday, February 26, 20101:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.Sacramento Convention Center1400 J Street – Halls D&ESacramento, CA 95814Parking available – $14 max daytime; $6 max after 4:00 p.m.Accessible by bus and Light Rail (Cathedral stop)
When it comes to purchasing their first home, many people will start looking at real estate ads, driving around neighborhoods, peeking in windows of vacant homes, and dreaming about finding the perfect home to move into. It's magical, exciting and kind of scary since not everyone has a clear id
Saving Your Home From Foreclosure - Home Loan Modification or Short Sale Well, it has been a couple of months since I wrote my article, Home Loan Modification - Is it possible? At the time I was terribly frustrated with what I was hearing from those seeking assistance and getting no where. I won
Too many buyers....there are just too many. Too many short sales....they just don't really care. Too many bank-owneds...they are waiting for multiple offers to come in. Listing agents can afford to be picky, and they are. I remember when an offer would be greeted with excitement and great care.
I just learned how to add my articles to my fan page on Facebook from my Active Rain Outside Blog. Here are the instructions, you can add any blog url address to import your articles. It's great, but here is something I noticed. The format is different. The way you place your photos to the le
Buying a home in today's market? It takes patience and tenacity and wishing on a star. Buying a new home is a source of anxiety, frustration -- and a huge sense of accomplishment. You may have to put in several offers and get rejected a few times but your house is out there waiting for you and y
Good information I felt worthy of passing on. We all know by now that as long as you are in a binding contract by April 30th and closed by June 30th you will meet the dates specified to qualify for the Homebuyer Tax Credit. Here in Central Florida that tax credit easily represents 5-10% of t
Homeless In America"There but for the grace of God, go I" - attributed to John Bradford, 16th CenturyIn any given night in America, 700,000 to 2 million people have no home to go to. Staggering statistic? Yes. And these numbers were from 1996. In Colorado Springs, Fountain Creek runs parallel