Title insurance is insurance that protects the title of a home against any defects or claims that occured on the property prior to the closing date. It is required by virtually all lenders in order to secure a loan as well. Payment of the owner's title insurance policy is negotiable in the Stat...
Although many people fear the negative stigma associated with bankruptcy, sometimes it may be the only "make sense" option to recover from a financial crisis. However, many of the general rumors about Bankruptcy are overblown, such as the notion that it will "ruin your credit" for 7-10 years. T...
Donna Harris will be holding two MCE classes this Friday at Republic Title if any of you are interested. I have attended the first one and would certainly recommend attending if at all possible.I'm going to be in Dallas on July 17, 2009 and will be teaching two of my fabulous classes: Creating a...
Here's a great blog written by George Suoto about a transaction that took longer than the gestation period of most mammals to close. Unfortunately late closings have become the norm in this market, especially on foreclosures and short sales where the seller is a corporation with multiple peopl...
Home owners looking to refinance their mortgage may run into some stumbling blocks if they have more than one mortgage on their property. That's because many lenders are now refusing to "resubordinate" second mortgages unless the home owner obtains the new mortgage through them directly. What ...
Most buyers genuinely enjoy looking for homes, but once the time comes to begin the negotiating process, many neglect to consider one important calculation that's important in understanding how a seller may view their offer on a particular home. Of course, having good buyer representation from a ...
On Friday, March 6th, HUD announced that they were going to further delay implimentation of the new RESPA rule that would have made it illegal for builders to require home buyers to use their affiliated mortgage lenders. This rule, which was part of a larger RESPA reform, was scheduled to go in...
Credit scoring is a rather arcane formula. One of the biggest factors that can make or break your credit score is your debt ratio on revolving accounts. The credit scoring model takes many different factors into account, and this debt ratio factor accounts for approximately 30% of your credit s...
The U.S Department of Housing and Urban Development has a special program called the Good Neighbor Next Door program available exclusively to Teachers (Pre K through 12th grade), Firefighters, Emergency Medical Technicians and Police Officers. If you fall into one of these categories, you may be...
We all know how valuable first impressions are in virtually every situation. And I think we also know that the vast majority of buyers start their search for a new home online (I've heard figures as high as 94%). So it goes without saying that many buyers judge a home based on a quick glance of...