Save the Best for Last (Blog Post of the Week)Steve Jobs had a CatchPhrase for this. Was it ONE MORE THING? I forget.”The Five” has a show ending with this concept. Anyway, here’s my ONE MORE THING.Blogging is Marketing. Marketing is Blogging. This is a very helpful platform to learn it, practice...
Blogging Five Hours a Week ONCE or an HOUR a Day?I have timed it. Also, taken a screenshot marked up on my trusty IPAD.I used to give it an hour a day for a couple of blog posts, ten comments and a couple of reblogs of my favorite posts of the ten upon which I commented.Now that I have returned I...
What is your ONE Active Rain Enhancement WISH?Mine is easy.I wish they would post Daily and Weekly Points Tally instead of Monthly.Who care about Monthly?I just want to see what I rack up for the day in case I want to hit a few more items.Ditto for weekly.Nope, not concerned about Monthly. That h...
IPAD Tricks and Tips #2 Mark Up a Screenshot!This is a brand new IPAD feature. I read about it on Flipboard a couple of weeks ago.Take a screenshot of anything you want to Mark UP for an Active Rain Post. The two buttons to accomplish this are the Home and Power button.Then look in the bottom lef...
More and More BIG Surprises on Returning to Active Rain?What resonates, too, is the amount of AR Bloggers Following Me. In about a dozen more Subscribers, my Subscribers outnumber my Following List. W H A T?And I’ve been on Hiatus a couple of Y E A R S.I guess the Benefits of Blogging keep march...
More Surprises on Returning to Active Rain?I forgot that they had just sort of figured out a way to add photos to blog posts via IPAD . It’s pretty darn simple now. A Flickr Work Around is no longer necessary.I forgot it gives a good Springboard to post a FB type comment to a longer AR blog vers...
Guess I’ve Said YES a Few too Many Times to OUI Yogurt!Okay, Okay, I like the new OUI Yogurt.And I may have gotten a little carried away.I like the Love Notes when you pull up the foil lid. Today’s message on Raspberry says to, “Go for a Walk Outside.” My kind of message. Do they get me or what?...
The Biggest Surprises of Returning to Active Rain?Well, this is a growing list.No matter how much things change they remain the same.I picked up a few GREAT UNBELIEVABLE scripts just reading the Second Chance Saturday Posts this Morning!I see a lot of the same names and faces. It’s like moving t...
IPAD Tip on Active Rain #1Write it and Roll.If you try to do much past that, you lose all the Verbiage you just created. Save yourself the SCREAM.Get to the bottom of your 50-250 words, hit Publish, copy and past for a PLAN B, wait to see the error message that a Group has to be selected, W_A_I_T...
Up and At ‘Em on Active Rain.She’s B-A-C-K.Albeit a bit of Rust Removal in the Process.I remember what I liked a lot.I like learning new scripts. New dialogs to implement. New ways of looking at things.I also really like the Technology Tips. Trying to find all the best Groups to join to stay abre...