Have you signed up yet? I am signed up. Now all I have to do is remember to be there!! Nice of them to offer this for free, still not sure why only 1000 people can log on but that's okay. Do it, do it today. :) RainCamp Online I am signed up.. are you? There are only 1000 spaces
See what I mean. This is being advertised as great for retirees... Yippee... lots to think about, no pun intended. Looks like a grand area. :)Semiahmoo at its best. Views of Drayton Harbor, Semiahmoo resort and marina, White Rock, BC and the Canadian Rockies. A well planned and thought out com
I know there is just a short time left but you need to go lo at these comments. The collages are amazing. :) I couldn't upload mine because and for some reason I can't upload pictures any longer (another glitche for me!). This is well worth a look. :) GailHi Everyone, This Friday marks the end
Hmmm, this is worth reading, and so much more interesting when you go back and read the over 250 comments left there by all of us. It's quite fascinating reading. :)Welcome dearly beloved, friends, and family. We are gathered here today to honor the memory of ActiveRain, taken from us before her
Ah... I won 1000 points in April. Donna Foerster and I guessed all but one last month. Yippee. You know I love, love, love points. :) I would have guessed all right but the last post, I guessed #1 was wrong because when I did my sleuthing, I saw no reference to her son and I found no son menti
Cindy Logan, my friend in CA...wonderful marketer found this and reblogged it. It's a post from Rebecca Gaujot. I am not able to post pics today. Ugh I'll have to find out why. I am reblogging this very amazing story teller... what a homerun. :) (Not So) Speechless Sunday - A Little Gi
This is great advice from my friend, Cindy. I follow the same advice. One thing worse than this, is for an agent to say there are other offers coming in when yours is the only one!! I really don't like that either. :) Great post Cindy.Excitement is in the air. An offer on your listing is on
Come join the fun when you're at the beach. And, business who join get their business cards with a free trolley pass to give to customers. It's a hoot. 25 CENTS...if rates haven't risen! And, it'll be back in Chesapeake Beach and other areas from Dunkirk through Chesapeake and North B
This is a blog that recently received a lot of attention. I have paid lots of bucks, big bucks to hear speakers talk about buiilding your referral list on "family and friends"!! I've been waiting for someone to say, "they expect too much, don't do it"! Yeah, for Ricki. And, the funny thing is
John Washburn is leaving. I just read this! I wish him well and much success in his new endeavor/s. 178 posts!! Wow, that's a featured post if I ever saw one! :)I love ActiveRain and am overwhelmed with bittersweet feelings as I write this post. ActiveRain's core mission means so much to me.