Why are so many For Sale by Owner (FSBO) Homeowners choosing to also list in the MLS while still obtaining the option to sell on their own? Why are so many For Sale By Owner (FSBO) Homeowners listing their properties with International Luxury? You will enjoy greater control over the sale of your
Thinking about selling your home by yourself? Many today are successfully selling their homes via traditional realtor arrangements, or using the alternative, the FSBO (For Sale By Owner) method. Did you know there is a third option? The flat fee listing helps you control the sale and pocket subst
Enhance your message in advertising by easily creating videos about your services. With the power of the internet your target market is researching their prospective services and products via the internet. This has transformed the old ways of transacting business from the one-on-one meetings to
Manuals - Tools - Continuing Training All Real Estate organizations and professionals require the necessary tools enhance your success in the industry. The key for us in real estate......... Ensure you have set the proper procedures, processes and regulations in place so all members of t
As a consultant and trainer I work with real estate companies, real estate professionals, developers, investors and private owners to increase their income, whether it be from their properties (retail) or their commissions (industry professionals). If you are in the real estate industry or an
We all know the “power of the internet,” but do we realize to what extent this can actually be defined? In the modern world we now have capabilities to experience life virtually. Who would have thought it would be feasible to hire a Virtual Assistant working from Finland when your office
Earn immediate income in Real Estate - no matter what phase the market is in. You already have the necessary inventory needed to obtain commission of 25% - 30% and at the same time elicit a pipeline of qualified buyers that will purchase properties. For more information visit www.InternationalL
We are in an age of cable and satellite television and radio. Reality TV has taken center stage. So many love sitcoms. But others watch hours and hours of the cable television news networks such as CNN, Fox, MSNBC, etc. I am one of those that find myself in many conversations about someone
South Florida was preparing for Fay to visit us this week and we were lucky this time! http://www.nhc.noaa.gov/gtwo_atl.shtml As a 3rd generation Floridian I know we have been quite lucky for many, many years dodging so many storms. Because of so many years of luck we found many residents unpre
http://www.yasou.org/ An interesting chance meeting in Florida…… I was at a recent business trip to St Petersburg, Florida. I attended a dinner meeting with a group of clients. I am a very observant person and noticed a group of three at a nearby table that peaked my interest. They