J. Philip's Westchester Real Estate Blog (914) 723-8900

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Managing Real Estate Broker - Howard Hanna Rand Realty - License # 49FA1074963
J. Philip Faranda is based in Westchester County, NY. His market covers Westchester, Rockland, Putnam, & Dutchess counties. Almost 500 clients and customers have closed transactions with him since 2005 for over a quarter billion dollars worth of property sold. Ever the high-producing listing agent, he counts among his specialties hard to sell properties & short sales.
I am paraphrasing the great Yogi Berra when I say that predicting the future is easy, but getting it right is a bit trickier. Many of my colleagues have offered their prognostications in a market that is the perfect storm of black swans, judicial actions, economic uncertainty, and so many competi...
This originally started as a draft about artificial intelligence, but the ads in my social media feed got me off my rear and and getting it completed. Quick story:Back in 2008 and 2009 as the market was cratering and distress properties became a larger part of the market share, I paid some compan...
Change is here. Soon, if it hasn't already occurred, you'll log onto the MLS and see offers of compensation to buyer agents of $1. Or $0. Or a figure lower than you may be accustomed to. While this makes some agents fearful that they will no longer be able to earn a living, other licensees see op...
As many of you may recall, Grant Schneider was an extremely active participant on this platform for many years. Sadly, in late January, we lost Grant to cancer. He died peacefully surrounded by his family. You can read his obituary here. I knew Grant for more than 10 years. He was not in the real...
 [Note: This is a draft from 2015 but I thought it worth publishing. Some think a buyer's letter to a seller is a smart move, others don't. I think ti has everything to do with what's in that letter. This is an example of perhaps what not to write, borrowed slightly from one that was with an offe...
SEATTLE In the very same week that the Zillow Group set social media in the real estate space on fire with their purchase of software firm Dotloop, CEO Spencer Rascoff has announced the purchase of website AshleyMadison.com.It is unknown how the dating platform for cheating spouses fits into Zill...
As a broker with over 60 agents, I am approached fairly often by many in related industries about getting my business for their product or service. They could be mortgage loan officers, lawyers (NY is an attorney state), title people, inspectors, or any other housing resource. I'm often bemused b...
I got a nice compliment from a seller client that was nice to hear, but the reason for it wasn't as nice. She told me that I was by far the most professional agent she has dealt with in selling her home, which was why she listed with me. That was great to hear. Then she lamented her experiences w...
It has been quite a while since I last wrote anything, but certainly not for lack of interest. Lack of time. I have been busy. Here's the latest: The indomitable Jenn Maher and I have partnered up on a new commercial brokerage, J. Philip Commercial Group. The firm will be based in Mahopac, NY and...
I am happy to share that 2013 was perhaps the best year in the company's history. Not only did we crush our 2012 numbers, but J. Philip Real Estate exceeded some lofty goals I had set a year ago.  2013 was the first year that the firm closed over 100 transactions. That was my most ambitious pipe...

J. Philip Faranda

Associate Broker / Office Manager
local_phone(914) 762-2500
smartphone(914) 450-8883
Contact The Author
Phil Faranda is associate broker and manager for Howard Hanna Rand Realty in Yorktown and Carmel, NY. He joined the brand after being broker and owner of J. Philip Real Estate LLC in Briarcliff Manor, NY for 18 years. Since founding the firm as a sole practitioner in late 2005, the team has grown to over 80 agents & closed 1000+ transactions valued at over $1 billion. He was 2014 President of the HGMLS and a 2017 Inman Influencer. This blog commentary is geared toward consumers and industry colleagues alike. You can reach him at (914) 723-8900.
Warning: *Sarcasm and irony advisory at all times.*


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' There is no doubt in my mind that the house would still be on the market if it wasn't for Phil's proactive efforts. '
by drmoi
' Phil was very responsive to our requests; he was very professional and respectful; he always gave us his honest opinion on the questions we asked. ... more '
by junglegirlnyc
' Phil is a very honorable and respectful realtor. He has gone way above and beyond the call of duty for me not only once, but twice. He helped sell ... more '
by MommyJ9

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