As someone who teaches continuing education for Mortgage Loan Officers, RESPA is always a hot topic of the group. In one of my classes as I explained what a Section 8 RESPA violation was, it dawned on me... are networking groups like BNI, Le Tip, etc a RESPA violation because we actually pay a f...
As you know, the 2007 tax forgiveness is about to expire. So what does that mean to your short sale clients? Let's say they have sold their home for $100,000 less than what they owe and they are in a 30% tax bracket. They will now have a $30,000 tax liability they must pay. Since most of them...
When making a listing presentation, I’m sure you discuss the open house option with the seller. Here are 9 ideas that you can use with your listing presentation on the unique ways you would hold an open house—and how you plan to get it sold! 1. Prepare CD’s with at least 20 pictures of the home a...
So, you just arrived at a listing and you forgot your measuring tape. Here’s a quick way to measure practically anything—if you to have to figure out some dimensions right now! Quarter – It’s about 1” in diameter Paper Money – It’s 2-1/2” by 6”. Paper can wrap around object so it also comes in h...
What happens if your buyer goes on maternaty leave before you close your transaction? As of today, on FHA, a borrower’s regular, stable income may be considered as acceptable income when a maternity leave occurs. The employer must state in writing on their letterhead that the borrower’s employ...
Take the Dewey Color Test by clicking here. It's quite interesting and just a few easy questions. Please be sure to post what type of person you are. Let's see how many of us are the same? There is one pop up asking to go back to school but you will see the link to click on to avoid filling t...
Everyone has the finance flyers and/or their own property flyer. But what about trying something different? Here's what I'm doing for my Realtor's in CA with their listings. They get not only a hard copy of the flyer but also a link that they can send out to their clients via email, social med...
Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac: Short Sale Servicing Timelines (Effective June 2012) Important timelines that FNMA and FHLMC are requiring of their servicers to help expedite the Short Sale process. You can share this information openly with your client so you can help minimize the time and frustr...
I would appreciate any feedback you can give me regarding the following questions: I am looking to provide value and education since I love to teach. As Realtors, can you give me some ideas as to what topics you would be interested to learn more about. It can be mortgage related, diff ways to...