Here is a delicious recipe forSaturday Night Entertainingor just a treat for yourselffrom those great folks atthe Food Network: Charleston Cheese DipRecipe courtesy of Trisha Yearwood Charleston Cheese DipTotal Time:25 minPrep:10 minCook:15 minYield:10 servingsLevel:EasyIngredients1/...
Everyone enjoys a hot shower - but what is too hot for your water? How much energy does it take to heat the water and keep the temperature tap ready? How can you save money and still have hot water on demand? These questions and more are answered on the U.S. Department of Energy's website alon...
One of the many wonderful animal rescue organizations in the Dallas area is Paws in the City. They have posted a list of tips to help keep your pets safe over the Halloween Holiday. The link to their website is included as well - it might be the perfect time to visit them to meet the available ...
I know that creepy movies are not a favorite for some...but if you are looking for a good spooky movie to enjoy for Halloween, I recommend The Conjuring. This is not a slasher or gore fest movie - just some good old-fashioned supernatural fun(!), based on true accounts.The main stars are Vera F...
Okay, enough is enough already with the rain in North Texas! Our ground is already saturated, my yard is a soggy bog...and more rain is moving in as I type. As you can see by the radar (courtesy of another huge front is moving across Texas and we will have another all-day rain event.....
Another reminder to mark your calendars for the 3rd Annual Meet Up in conjunction with the CRS and NAR Conferences. This year we will be having our ActiveRain Meet up in BOSTON on Friday, November 2nd at 6:00pm. We will be meeting at the Sheraton Boston (NAR Co-Headquarter Hotel) located at 39 ...
Another important election draws near and early voting for the November 6th election day begins today(!) Monday, October 22nd. Remember, if you don't vote you don't get to criticize the choices made by others! For more information for Texas, follow the links in the report below: Many ...
Rain, Rain, Go Away...And Stay Away For A Week Or Two...PLEASE! So yes, if you were wondering "could it possibly still be raining in Dallas"(?) The answer is yes, it certainly is. We are in our 8th straight day of rain and even my dogs are no longer enjoying splashing through the puddles (i.e....
A funny video that is a great reminder of what can happen...Jeanne Moos with CNN posts this important video as to why you should never park in front of a fire hydrant - at a least, not if you want your car intact! Don't let this happen to you! Thank you Merced Fire Department, CNN and Youtube ...
Five surgeons from big cities are discussing who makes the Best patients to operate on.The first surgeon, from New York, says, 'I like to see accountants on my operating table because when you open them up, everything inside is numbered.' The second, from Chicago, responds, 'Yeah, but you should...