Christmas is a very scary time for some people. That Santa Claus character can be a pretty scary person. Please always remember that what may be fun for some can be a permanently scarring experience to others. These photos are proof so if you see this jolly person, proceed with caution.Merry ...
Well, my boxes are packed and everything's ready to go, we're just waiting on the truck. So, I'm taking this last little chance to check in with my AR friends before I pack up the desk. I'm so excited, we've been in quite a small place and this new one will give us room to breathe! I'm ready f...
Tips for taking photos of your home for sale: I found this great article on tips for taking photos of your home for sale. It really says it all in terms of setting the stage for the photos and tips and strategies for taking the best shots. You want the best when it comes to marketing your prop...
Wikipedia gives this definition of Forgiveness: Forgiveness is the mental, and/or spiritual process of ceasing to feel resentment, indignation or anger against another person for a perceived offense, difference or mistake, or ceasing to demand punishment or restitution. This definition, however, ...
There are some very sick people out there. Evidently this is true and has been found in the States and Canada.I did check it out on Scopes and it is true and horrifying. The Ugliest Drug Marketing Scheme Ever SEND THIS TO AS MANY PARENTS, GRANDPARENTS and PEOPLE WHO KNOW PARENTS AS YOU CAN. Chil...
Today is Sunday, 9 days till Christmas and I'm still not done shopping. Those of you who have read some of my posts know that I recently purchased a home. That's the good news. The bad news is I close in 4 days! What was I thinking? Not only do I have to finish shopping but I'm packing too, ...
Need a smile today? These pictures should do the trickI received these in an email today. I love animal shots, they always make me smile, even on a gloomy day like today. Had to share....Those of you who have ever had a puppy can appreciate #2Peggy KGrand Property ToursReal Estate Photography i...
I woke up this morning and the first thing I did (as usual) is grab a cup of coffee and sit down in front of my computer to read what's happening on Active Rain. It's my new replacement for the morning news. The first thing I read was a group email message apologizing for another group email me...
New Construction in Park Ridge, gorgeous townhome with stunning high end appliances and finishes, gleaming hardwood floors throughout. Granite and stainless steel kitchen, stone tile bathrooms, spacious rooms. Exterior is rare masonry and brick. 3 car garage and large yard for entertaining. W...
I received a call yesterday from an agent about ordering a virtual tour. I didn't recognize his name so I figured it wasn't an agent I had been bothering calling. I asked him how he heard about us and he said he "googled virtual tour companies in illinois" and we were number 1! And when I goog...