The city of Rochester is once again putting on educational workshops for home buyers this Sunday, April 6, 2008 at East High School, 1801 E. Main St, from noon till 4 pm. Mortgage lenders, Realtors and city officials will all be on hand to answer questions about purchasing real estate in the city...
The interesting thing about a real estate blog is that when the market is slow, it is difficult to find things to blog about but when it's hot, it is difficult to find time to write. Since returning to Rochester from my mini-Easter vacation, my phone has been ringing off the hook and I've had app...
With gas prices hitting outrageous numbers, it seems more and more people are considering the convenience and economic feasibility of moving to the City of Rochester. If you fall in that category, I suggest you check out City Living Sundays during the next three weekends.Each weekend will focus ...
It's bound to happen. I spend many of my days dashing in and out of homes, most staged to make a visitor fall in love, so it should come as no surprise that from time to time I get urge to move. Well it happened again. But when I mentioned it to my husband, he gave me one of those stern looks and...
The 2008 ReMax International Convention is in Las Vegas this week and I decided to attend. It's been a long, long time since I've visited sin city. Not much has really changed. It's a bit flashier and I'm truly on sensory overload and this city has gotten really expensive. Our $200 a night room i...
I worked! Several meetings, showed a piece of property for the third time and just kind of scrambled to try to accomplish a few things before I turned over another page on the calendar.My neighbors, however, were much smarter than me. Heck, with 366 days on the calendar this year they used the ex...
I wish I was talking about the weather heating up. It was cold today, never getting out of the teens. But it was pretty! The overnight snow really stuck to the tree and so I drove through Highland Park and grabbed a few shots.Real estate does seem to be heating up. Two weeks ago I lost a deal to ...
Earlier, I wrote about some very bad photos in the Rochester MLS. Now, I'd like to provide a few tips to get your home ready to be photographed to put on the market.Looks are everything in today's real estate market. The current public watches tons of HG-TV and their expectations are often unreal...
A client I'm currently working with suggested that I put together a course to teach fellow Realtors how to photograph houses. The first thing that went through my mind was that he felt I need to supplement my income. After all, things are pretty slow. But this afternoon I took a hard look at some...
I've been working with a first-time home buyer for a couple of weeks now. We've been out 3 or 4 times to look at property and yesterday we went back to look at one a second time. He's really thinking that this might be the one.Choosing which property to purchase is a big decision. BUT, it is only...