Paul's Scottsdale AZ Real Estate Chronicles

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Look no further than Paul Slaybaugh with Realty Executives for Scottsdale AZ Real Estate! Whether it is local information, Scottsdale Real Estate news, anecdotes, humor, or just a good read you are after, you'll find at least some of that here. See Scottsdale through the eyes of a native son!
Ever think your Scottsdale Real Estate agent is speaking Klingon when parsing out those cryptic acronyms and assorted colloquialisms of nonsensical industry jargon? You are not alone. Typical of the human condition, we Realtor types tend to assume everyone knows what we are talking about even tho...
Feb 9, 2013 09:45 AM Disassociative Press ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ SCOTTSDALE (DP) – A four year federal wildlife program to rehabilitate the sagging numbers of a local animal population has proven to be a rousing succ...
  Okay, so I chickened out on losing my Rainmaker status by not posting something in 90 days. As such, here is a quarterly effort. To catch my schtick, visit me at the Scottsdale Property Shop.  See you in three months, AR. _________________________________________________________________________...
It is human nature to view oneself in terms of value, and others in terms of cost. This paradox is never more evident than in a business setting. No exception to the rule, Real Estate agents and consumers must coexist in an arena of disparate interests and subjective truths. In the search for com...
There is a hole in my front pocket. At least, I think there is. What other explanation for the coins and keepsakes that litter the ground in my wake? Marking the passage of otherwise inaudible footfalls. What started with the occasional lost memento - a nickel here, a baby tooth there - grows lar...
“Good afternoon, Scottsdale. This is Paul Slaybaugh reporting live from the mouth of a saber-toothed tiger.” “While waiting for an underwriter to emerge from the bowels of the Real Estate Colosseum to give the thumbs up or thumbs down to a pair of prostrate gladiators, we break from the action to...
In the market for a McCormick Ranch home? Intrigued by the bargains everyone keeps telling you about in the foreclosure / bank owned property arena? Follow me to the Scottsdale Property Shop for the daily McCormick Ranch Foreclosure Home Hotsheet! Contrary to other segments of the current Scottsd...
Unless you are the Scottsdale home buyer who is like the one dentist out of ten who does not prefer an Oral B toothbrush, odds are you have at least a passing interest in the Scottsdale foreclosure home market. While your best bet to stay on top of inventory is to work with a top notch Scottsdale...
Is that home really for sale? It sure looks like it is. There’s a  sign in the yard, property information on the internet, an asking price and everything. The comings and goings of Real Estatey type people with wide eyed gawkers in tow confirms that the quaint Spanish hacienda is looking for a n...
Is it time for an MLS database of active buyers? I ponder this on the heels of difficulties in locating quality resale homes amidst the bank owned rubble of today's market. We have long been beholden to the seller in the Real Estate hierarchy as a home listing sets all subsequent wheels in motion...

Paul Slaybaugh

Scottsdale, AZ Real Estate
local_phone(480) 948-9450
smartphone(480) 220-2337
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See Scottsdale through the eyes of a native son!

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