Palatine IL Buyer Agent Real Estate Are you looking for a true buyer agent in Palatine? A fake buyer agent is an agent who also lists property for sale, and so does their company. A fake buyer agent can get into dual agency conflict of interest situations with you - where you suddenly become non-
How to Purchase a Short Sale Property in Less Than 6 Months -- in South Barrington or other areas of Chicago's Northwest Suburbs Most short sale properties can take 2 to 6 months just to get an answer back from the bank (or more.) My buyer clients joke - "they should be called long sale propert
Luxury Home Buyers in Barrington and South Barrington Illinois, Hawthorn Woods IL, and Chicago's North Shore Take Note.... High-end home buyers are coming back into the market based on low interest rates on Jumbo loans and bargain basement prices. Luxury home buyers choose Buyer Broker Chicagola
Ever since I had a home buyer client that had an issue with a toilet leak - I've felt obligated to let all of my clients know about this tip - as well as many others. They had purchased a townhome through me in Schaumburg IL (for a great price of course), and before they went off to their honey
Vernon Hills IL Low Priced Homes / Properties Check out some of these single family homes in Vernon Hills in the 100’s! I’ve helped many buyers during the past year pick up bank owned foreclosure homes for great prices. Because I and my company never represent sellers - you are guaranteed that
Schaumburg IL Low Priced Homes / Properties Check out some of these single family homes in Schaumburg in the 100’s! We’ve helped many buyers during the past year pick up bank owned foreclosure homes for great prices. Because I and my company never represent sellers - you are guaranteed that I
Palatine IL Bank Owned REO Foreclosure, Pre-foreclosure and Short Sale Homes Are you looking for a great deal on a home in Palatine? I’ve helped many buyers during the past year pick up bank owned foreclosure homes for great prices.You are in good hands, because I am the only Exclusive Buyer Agen
Hawthorn Woods IL Low Priced Homes and Properties Are you looking for a great deal on a home in Hawthorn Woods? We’ve helped many buyers during the past year pick up bank owned foreclosure homes for great prices.Pictured at left are some of the lowest priced homes in the Hawthorn Woods area!!
Grayslake IL Bank Owned REO Foreclosure, Pre-foreclosure and Just Generally Low Priced Homes / Properties Are you looking for a great deal on a home in Grayslake? We’ve helped many buyers during the past year pick up bank owned foreclosure homes for great prices.I am the only Exclusive Buyer Age
Barrington IL Bank Owned REO Foreclosure, Pre-foreclosure and Short Sale Homes Are you looking for a great deal on a home in Barrington? We’ve helped many buyers during the past year pick up bank owned foreclosure homes for great prices. The homes to the left are all bank owned or pre-foreclosur