SLO Life Real Estate

Real Estate Agent - I serve buyers and sellers everywhere in San Luis Obispo County - BRE #01839596
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One of the most important components of obtaining a mortgage these days is having a good credit record, and if you haven't checked yours lately, you should. You are entitled to one free credit report every year from the "Big Three" credit-reporting agencies (Equifax, TransUnion, Experian). And if...
I couldn't have had more perfect weather for an open house by the beach! Clear skies, 75 degrees, a light breeze, and nobody else was holding a property open anywhere in the neighborhood1 I was rewarded with great traffic and lots of solid leads. Sunshine poured through all the windows, the newly...
This was forwarded to me by a genuine convicted burglar (who served his time, paid his debt, and is now running an anti-recidivism program on the outside). While he did not write this, he heartily endorses the information. I have his permission to blog the material, but try as I might, I cannot f...
This freshly painted and carpeted doll house is only 811 s.f., but it feels much larger. With two bedrooms and one bath, roomy updated kitchen, and dining area, it's the perfect beach house getaway. It's located at 135 Boeker Avenue in the Shell Beach neighborhood. Though it does not have an ocea...
In San Luis Obispo County, we've been blessed with well over normal rainfall this past two months. What this means is that the surrounding mountains look like the green hills of Ireland (and will for the next month or two), and that we are hatching a fantastic wildflower show. It will be especial...
Womenade is a local nonprofit that combines fun, food, and volunteer efforts to provide needed items to families in San Luis Obispo County and around the Central Coast. Members meet four times a year to enjoy a pot luck supper. Each woman brings a dish and a $35 contribution, and a growing list o...
I'm sold on the power of Active Rain! Wjhen I read about The Power of Active Rain contest, I clicked on the link for the Grace Idaho real estate agent and saw that she was offering a home for sale in Soda Springs. I was enchanted! My great-grandfather was born there, and members of my extended fa...
It was a gorgeous day today in San Luis Obispo...not an uncommon occurrence. I had planned to walk one of my local neighborhoods where our office has a listing, to see if I could promote a couple more for myself. I started off with a handful of flyers and business cards, and found myself looking ...
A colleague at Coldwell Banker Premier Real Estate here in San Luis Obispo has written a terrific little book on how to safely and comfortably move your precious pets, and I think it deserves extra publicity. Marilyn Fidler is certainly the right person to write this book, as she has moved over a...
The Federal stimulus package passed last year includes new and expanded tax incentives for energy-efficient and renewable-energy home improvements. Up to $1500 in tax credits for adding qualifying windows, doors, insulation, roofs, heating and cooling equipment, water heaters, and even wood and p...

Sonsie Conroy

Energetic, Enthusiastic, Knowledgeable Realtor
smartphone(805) 235-2351
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What's happening in San Luis Obispo city and county real estate, events, historical stories, and general commentary on my home town. Learn about life in San Luis Obispo, including homes for sale, market statistics, gardening, food, and everything that is fun, tasty, or beautiful here in the Middle Kingdom (which is how Sunset Magazine refers to California's Central Coast).