With all the snow, ice, and sub zero weather, I thought this week is the perfect week to blog about the annual summer parade of home event. The perfect place to get ideas on building a home is at the Parade of Homes. Check out this link for details. http://www.biahomebuilders.com/shows-and-eve
Most first time home buyer's don't understand these calculations and they should. Why, because when the first time home buyer schedules an appointment with lender to start the pre-approval process they should know what makes up there income and debt so that they can ask questions. Open this link
All homes have mold in them, as a home owner you want a healthy home, there are many preventive things you can do to reduce the amount of mold in your home. Check out this link on how to http://www.houselogic.com/articles/10-ways-prevent-costly-mold-damage-your-home/ Call PDS Real Estate for sell
Do you want to know what your new neighbor paid for their home? Or the home values of your area or surrounding areas in Franklin County? Check out the new functionality of the Franklin count auditor web site, you'll be amazed what you'll find out. Click on this link http://www.franklincountyaudi
The Hilliard Area Realty Association meets once a week every Monday at the Heritage Golf Club (3525 Heritage Club Dr., Hilliard, OH 43026). The meeting starts at 9 am and last for about half an hour and continues on to open houses caravan. Each meeting is sponsored by a local business. http://www
Homes sales across Ohio remain sluggish the last five months of 2010. Ohio contiues to a buyer's market. Check out this link for further detailed stats on our Ohio housing market. http://www.ohiorealtors.org/absolutenm/templates/article.aspx?articleid=13387&zoneid=115 Call PDS Real Estate for s
Confused about what to use to insulate your home? And why should you? This link address three types of materials to use and why it is very important to have your home insulated for both winter and summer. http://www.ohiorealtors.org/absolutenm/templates/article.aspx?articleid=13420&zoneid=51 C
HUD has a new web site and regional asset managers. Check out HUD's new web site, it is easy to use. Open up this link and click on your state, fill out either county or city and price range, have fun!!. Call PDS Real Estate we are registered HUD brokerage. http://hudhomestore.com/HudHome/Ind
Shootings in Tucson Ariz- So sad six people lost their lives to a gun man who is not stable, I won't mention the gun man name. Housing Market - our national economists are predicting our housing market will improve this year. Duke Energy is offering to buy Progress Energy- In my opinion Duke Ener
I know how weird! But when I read the article in, "The Wall Street Journal", it made sense for some people to have their new home spiritually cleansed of all the negative vibes. Why not most foreclosed homes need a complete redo, so why not get rid of the bad vibe too. I know when I show foreclo