Foto Friday – Retirement Wheels Written on January 7, 2011 by bonniebwi in Foto Friday, Trips & Travel Photos Foto Friday – When you live in Florida’s Villages Retirement Community, a car is not a car and a pick-up is not a pick-up. It is a golf cart, a customized golf cart. This huge reside
Grand Rapids Michigan Cost vs Value Home Improvement Report 2010 The new Cost vs Value Report 2010 is out from the National Association of Realtors. This report compares home improvement costs and returns for sellers all over the country. There are national trends and local trends. If you are
Grand Rapids Michigan East Suburban Top Best Buy Homes - November 2010 The Top Best Buy Home Blogs that we publish every month give us a great overview on what is happening to the lower end of the market in each of these east Grand Rapids suburbs with pricing and sales. We can see the uptick i
Forest Hills Michigan Neighborhood Real Estate Market Reports - Oct 2010 Forest Hills Michigan is a community defined by its school system. The Forest Hills Schools are award winning schools on the east side of Greater Grand Rapids. Many parents buy homes here to give their children a great ed
Foto Friday - Grand Rapids Michigan Christmas Traditions Yes, we have snow in Grand Rapids Michigan already. It came right after Thanksgiving this year and it gives every scene a holiday touch. We were at Frederick Meijer Gardens and Sculpture Park this morning. It has a fresh blanket of w
St Cecelia Music Society Free 2010 Christmas Concert On December 19th, 2010, at 4 pm, the Winter St Cecilia Grand Band and the St Cecelia Adult String Orchestra will hold a free Christmas Concert in Grand Rapids. The Royce Auditorium is located at 24 Ransom St NE just north of Fulton Ave and eas
Foto Friday – A Grand Rapids Veteran’s Vietnam Memory Ahhh, tropical Vietnam, a vacationer’s delight. In 1970, this scene was right outside my hooch [Army barrack’s room] anytime I wanted to take a dip. It was a regular cement pool with all the trimmings installed by our engineering group long
Grand Rapids Michigan Top Best Buy Homes October 2010 This is our blog list of the Top Best Buy Grand Rapids Houses to buy based on price/square foot. Price per square foot is a great leveler. If two similar homes are listed at similar prices, their price per square foot should be similar and
On our visit to St Augustine Florida last winter, the oldest city in the United States, we stopped at the Old Jail House where we took this photo. Even if they were quick to send you to jail back then, at least Floridians have a sense of humor about their past.