Since you apply no definition to 'technology' then the right answer willl be all or none of the expenses is obtaining or implementing some form of technology, usually not exceeding 15% of GCI.
Let me give an example. Is printing the QR code on a property flier technology? How about the website the QR is linked to? How about the IP tracking system embedded in the website? How about the ad campaign tied to the IP tracking system? And then the landing page attached to the ad campaign. Or the intern making the phone calls to those who filled out the lead capture. Or the task management system the intern uses to allocate next action. How about the CRM used to share all the contact information and deploys the checklist? Or the electronics the responding agent uses to shock and awe the client into signing the contract.
I'm not sure what you mean by technology.
Are you wanting to know equipment or internet usage fees? If both together I would say less than $2,000.