
Lakewood Park, FL Real Estate News

By Mike Young, FHA 203k Consultant 916-758-1809 cell direct
(, covering the USA)
Port St Lucie FL where the 203k is alive and well I was just doing some research for our new office in St Lucie County FL where Pete Campbell-FHA 203k consultant is ready to help you with your consulting needs. Our company has been doing this since 1994 and when the "streamlined k" was introduced in 2005 we continued to inspect for them as well. Not at first, everyone wanted to try one without a consultant as they didn't realize the value of having a home inspector who was also a consultant do their home inspection. Check out our new website It didn't take long and we were back in the picture. Streamlined k loans make up 98% of the problem 203ks in the nation... that should tell you that a consultant is needed. We had two in one day that were slated to close escrow on the next day when ...
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By Jim Poole, Zero Down, USDA Purchase Loans, FHA 203(K) Rehab & VA Streamline Loans
No Money Down Rural Housing USDA Loans in Saint Lucia County Florida are back and fully funded. The new sub-prime loans of today are the government backed or sponsored loans. The FHA Loan is one we are all familiar with but how many of you know about the USDA Rural Housing Loan.  Here's how it works 100% financing on homes located in certain geographical area's with borrower's who are in certain income ranges. That's it! Use this link to see if the property qualifies by falling into one of the designated geographical area's Remember when income qualifying to use the income of the ENTIRE family. Seller can pay up to 6% of buyers closing cost The 3.5% Guarantee Fee is included (Financed) in with the loan amount 100% of borr...
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