5 Cool Ideas For Green Home Remodeling
By Jon Klein, Search Parkland Homes for Sale - Parkland FL
(Real Living 1st Choice Realty)
Every home seems to have a never-ending remodeling list. As you consider tackling your next project, it usually pays off if you also think about helping the environment. Green remodeling can last longer, utilize recycled materials and typically end up saving you money in the long run. Below are several environment-friendly ideas that will have your neighbors green with envy. 1. Rain Gardens Rain gardens are shallow depressions in your yard planted with native shrubs and flowers. When there is a large rainfall, all the water rushes along roadways picking up dirt and pollutants along their way to drainage systems and eventually rivers and streams. Rain gardens catch water run-off, which reduces the street flooding and makes for cleaner water sources. 2. Reclaimed Hardwoods Usi...