
Tamarac, FL Real Estate News

By Lynn Pineda, Real Estate Promises delivered in SE Florida
(eXp Realty)
I've been working with the Foreclosure Angel Foundation who have purchased a condo for a family in need here in the Coral Springs/Tamarac area.  The only problem is that some repairs are needed, appliances are needed and I need some help to find some contractors who can volunteer their services.    We had some volunteers lined up to help and they just backed out and we're up a creek without a paddle! I'm putting this out there in case anybody knows of anyone who can really help to get the job done. We need: A/C checked to see if it works and does it need replacing A boarded up window needs replacing Base boards and some drywall needs replacing as the A/C wasn't running in the heat of the summer and some mold developed. Some plumbing concerns in bathrooms and needs kitchen faucets. Needs...
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By Jeannette Neerpat, e-Pro Coral Springs/Parkland Real Estate
OK I know that many of you frown down on BPO's, that they are a waste of time and pay no money. But my frame of mind is otherwise different. You see it has forced me to see my market in a whole different view. Let's start with the basics. Do you know what type of information you need to give the bank for BPO's whether you are doing an exterior or interior? The pictures you need to give? It's like doing a CMA, only some more information is given. CMA's are done mainly for listings, and think have of us are not listing, we are working with buyers. In general we won't do a CMA. Yeah, when I am putting in an offer with my customers we go over the compared solds. But that's it. Here the banks are having us go to the subject property and looking at it from a different perpesctive. Like an inv...
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By Jeannette Neerpat, e-Pro Coral Springs/Parkland Real Estate
Time is running out.... I have been getting lots of calls from 1st Time Home buyers. You see now they are realizing that time is running short if they are going to use the $8,000 Tax Credit. I got a call the other day from someone who found me from a blog post I wrote about the buyers seminar. She had the print out from here ActiveRain and one from Trulia. She told me that she really wants to buy now but didn't know what steps to take. She thought I was going to do another seminar, but I did something better.. Met her one on one. We covered all the bases. She filled out what she was looking for and she signed the Buyer's Brokerage Agreement. I gave her the number to the Mortgage broker to get her Qualified and as soon as we know what she qualifies for we will start her search.. So if yo...
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By Jeannette Neerpat, e-Pro Coral Springs/Parkland Real Estate
  If you haven't heard yet, Google came out with Google voice. It has some great features. What features you ask? Well here is a quick over view:   If you haven't already heard about it, Google Voice is a service that makes using your current phones much better! Here's what it offers: A personal phone number that rings all of your existing phones when people call All of your voicemail in one inbox with unlimited online storage and free voicemail transcripts sent to your phone and email Low-priced international calling to over 200 countries and free SMS Other powerful features like the first phone spam filter to protect you from unwanted callers, the ability to ListenInTM on your voicemail messages while they are being left, conference calling and more To learn more about Google Voice b...
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By Jeannette Neerpat, e-Pro Coral Springs/Parkland Real Estate
Jeannette Neerpat9000 Sheridan StreetPembroke Pines, Fl Would you like a Free Market Analysis? Visit or call 954-993-4104.
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By Jeannette Neerpat, e-Pro Coral Springs/Parkland Real Estate
I hope you all had a wonderful 4th of July. Here is a glispe of my evening spent at the Tamarac Sports Complex, which had a wonderful turn out since we didn't get rained out! It happens every year and this year it didn't. Cars were lined up on every street, dancing, face painting. Here are 2 videos of our evening......                 Jeannette Neerpat 9000 Sheridan Street Pembroke Pines, Fl 33024 Would you like a Free Market Analysis? Visit or call 954-993-4104.
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By Jeannette Neerpat, e-Pro Coral Springs/Parkland Real Estate
Do you remember last summer the M2T contest? Where there were a bunch of teams of Appertence and Mentor? Well Midori and I were part of that contest and made it to the top 3. Brian and Desiree came in first and Missy and Kim came in second. Well a year has gone by and a lot came from that contest. Friendship, business and of course we put in place business plans, pre listing packages, listing contracts and so on. Till this day I still get comments on the pre - listing package Midori and I came up with and she is still ask for a copy of it. Well she called me the other day saying she got an email from someone who was looking to write about our Listing Checklist. So she called me and asked if I was ok with someone writing about it. I was more than ok I was flattered actually. Someone from...
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By Jeannette Neerpat, e-Pro Coral Springs/Parkland Real Estate
Florida is Set to help with Down Payments! The state is looking to help with the Down Payments assistance. Which helps you with the purchase of your First Home. How much better can this get. So now instead of having to wait for the tax credit, you can use it as a Down Payment. So with an FHA loan on a $250,000 you need 3.5%, that means you need $8750. So if you get the $8,000 then you are looking at bringing $750.00, plus your closing cost. So what the government is trying to do, is lend you the $8,000. You still file it on your tax return for next year. Then when you get the return you payback the state. So you are not using your out of pocket money. Makes sense to me. This article is out of the Sun-Sentinel. “Here in Florida, rather than qualified buyers waiting to get the tax credit ...
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By Jeannette Neerpat, e-Pro Coral Springs/Parkland Real Estate
I want to take this time to Thank everyone here. All your emails and your tweets and a few voice mail messages. I am blessed to have such great realtionships. Thank you Midori for your special post and everyone who commented. The surgery went well. I am in pain, but recovering well. I just got back home and the Dr said I must stay in bed for the next week. So since I will be in bed, I will catch up on some blogging that I have missed from being busy. Funny thing, while drugged up at the hospital in pain I was talking with one of the staff in my room about Real Estate and managed to get a buyer client. Now talk about PASSION for REAL ESTATE. From the bottom of my heart!! Jeannette Neerpat 9000 Sheridan Street Pembroke Pines, Fl 33024 Would you like a Free Market Analysis?...
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By Jeannette Neerpat, e-Pro Coral Springs/Parkland Real Estate
So I was reading the paper today and came across an article that Broward County Property Appraisers are going to business that owe in back taxes. The county is looking to collect around $8 million in back taxes. FORT LAUDERDALE - Tax collectors hit the streets Wednesday in a sweep of hundreds of business -- demanding they pay delinquent bills or have their equipment and furnishings sold at auction. Customers were exercising at a downtown Fort Lauderdale gym when collection agents posted a lien for $9,900 in back taxes on its doors in the morning. Workers at a Quizno's sandwich shop on nearby Las Olas Boulevard were preparing for the midday rush when the agents arrived there moments later to tape a lien for $3,400 to its front door. Broward County hopes to collect up to $8 million in pas...
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By Jeannette Neerpat, e-Pro Coral Springs/Parkland Real Estate
So have you heard?? ReBarCamp is coming to Miami. This is the first time ever its been here and I am so excited about it!!! I have not been able to make it to any of the other BarCamps due to having young children. What makes me so happy is I will be able to see all my ActiveRain friends there!! Oh to go through the list of people I will be so happy to finally meet there. Its like we have this family that has grown from blogging. Never in a million years did I ever think the day I started blogging here would I have thought of the friendships I have gained. So I look forward to Sept 14 and see all of you there!!! I'm ready, are you??     Jeannette Neerpat 9000 Sheridan Street Pembroke Pines, Fl 33024 Would you like a Free Market Analysis? Visit or call 954...
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By Jeannette Neerpat, e-Pro Coral Springs/Parkland Real Estate
Come join us for this seminar: Date: June 19, 2009 Time: 9:30 am-Noon Where: SBBOR Education Room 2nd Floor 701 Promenade Drive, Pembroke Pines, 33026 Cost: $5 WCR members, $10 Non and "At The Door" RSVP: By June 17, 2009 Jeannette Neerpat9000 Sheridan StreetPembroke Pines, Fl Would you like a Free Market Analysis? Visit or call 954-993-4104.  
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By Jeannette Neerpat, e-Pro Coral Springs/Parkland Real Estate
OK  I know that many of you think that as a REALTOR, we shouldn't have a job on the side. Let me ask you this? Does having a job make me less of a REALTOR? My answer to you would be ABSOLUTELY NOT! First let me explain.... I have a job, had this job when I got into Real Estate and plan on keeping way after business picks up. I enjoy the job I have and I enjoy Real Estate. But having a job doesn't make me less of a REALTOR to my customers, and quite frankly, my customers know I work. I tell them up front, but I also tell them they can always reach me even if I am at work. None of my deals and I mean none gets neglected. I keep all my files with me and make my calls when I need to make them. I keep on top of them as if I was in the office or at home. If a customer calls me and leaves a me...
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By Jeannette Neerpat, e-Pro Coral Springs/Parkland Real Estate
We found a Turtle in front of my house the other day. We got a tank for it and we named him Prince Comit. The kids are so happy about it, they won't leave him alone. I am happy to see it. It is a baby turtle and they will be able to watch him grow. So here is a short clip of the kids putting the turtle in his new HOME (tank).
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By Jeannette Neerpat, e-Pro Coral Springs/Parkland Real Estate
Being a REALTOR and being a mom can get hecked at times. Inpsections, buyers, sellers. You know how things can go and being a mom is my number one priority. So there are times that as you may know from previous blog post, that I take my kids along. This particular day was no exception, but this time I decided to take my Flip camera with me to share a day with you. I had an inspection to go to and took the boys along. Hope you enjoy A Day as a REALTOR mom!   Jeannette Neerpat9000 Sheridan StreetPembroke Pines, Fl Would you like a Free Market Analysis? Visit or call 954-993-4104.
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By Jeannette Neerpat, e-Pro Coral Springs/Parkland Real Estate
You are ready to buy your First Home, you found your Realtor not you want to know the next step? Getting your Pre – Approval letter. Here is some information on Pre – Approvals. Know the steps you need to take, know what you are getting into before hand. You don’t want to take any risks after you bought your First Home..... Signing on the Dotted Line What is it? “Pre-approval” means you have met with a loan officer, your credit files have been reviewed and the loan officer believes you can readily qualify for a given loan amount with one or more specific mortgage programs. Based on this information, the lender will provide a pre approval letter, which shows your borrowing power. You can visit as many lenders as you like and get several pre-approvals, but keep in mind that each one carri...
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By Jeannette Neerpat, e-Pro Coral Springs/Parkland Real Estate
So you know you are ready to buy your first house. But now you don’t know which way to go. Who do you work with? Do you get a Mortgage broker first and how do I find one?   Most people have friends who know a REALTOR or who have worked with one. My first advice is to ask your friends and family members to help you with that one. Its better to go with someone you know has worked with a friend, better references that way. If you don’t know of anyone that does, Internet search is your next option. Find someone local to the area you are looking at. Not every agent works all areas. Someone from Miami may not know the Coral Springs neighborhood or stats, and vise versa. Does the agent specialize in working with First Time Homebuyers? Interview a few and see which one you click with. Things r...
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By Jeannette Neerpat, e-Pro Coral Springs/Parkland Real Estate
OK you know its pretty bad when another REALTOR says to you after they call for showing instructions and I quote "Thank you for answering the phone!" You see I got a call yesterday for showing instructions on one of my Rental listings in Hollywood. I was on the other line but asked that they would hold while I answered the call. Very pleasant lady on the other end wanting to get more info and lockbox combo. I gave her all the info and told her good luck and thanks for showing. Her reply to me was thanks for answering the phone. Why do so many agents not answer their phone. Do they not want to get the house sold or rented? How many sellers or landlords are not getting the proper service they need? I know I am preaching to the choir on this one, but come on people get with the program. AN...
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By Jeannette Neerpat, e-Pro Coral Springs/Parkland Real Estate
Don't forget tommorrow is the Health and Hurricane Expo at the Tamarac Community Center. Hurricane season is right around the corner and you want to be prepared. Plus this year the city combined the two expos into one. Everything under one roof. Take advantage of FREE Health Screenings including:  hearing,  blood pressure,  osteoporosis, cholesterol*,  glucose*, and more! Chair massages will also be offered, and mammograms will be offered for only $58. Other health related topics will include: mental health, nutrition, diabetes, and more. In addition, vendors and informational speakers will be on hand demonstrating the latest hurricane products and providing the information you need to "Prepare and Be Aware!" for this year's hurricane season. Be sure to bring the family, there will be e...
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By Jeannette Neerpat, e-Pro Coral Springs/Parkland Real Estate
Looks like there are several schools that will be changing there time schedules. As a parent with a child in Elementary school I believe in knowing ahead of time. So I wanted to get this info to you before the start of the new school year. I know we haven't finished this one yet, but you can never be too prepared!!   Heads up, students and parents: 15 Broward schools are changing their start and end times for the 2009-10 school year. In addition, two new elementary schools opening in August are setting their schedules for the first time. The School Board must approve the schedules on Tuesday, but they are unlikely to tinker with the times. One of the new elementary schools is located on the corner of Commerical Blvd and Pine Island Road. It still doesn't have a name yet. The schools aff...
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