Iowa Credit Repair
By Matt Liistro, Your Credit Repair Expert
(National Credit Fixers - Matt Listro)
Expert Credit Repair in Iowa National Credit Fixers: 330 Roberts Street 4th Floor East Hartford CT 06108 phone: 860-282-6181. National Credit Fixers boasts of 13 years experience repairing low FICO scores. Whether your credit has been damaged by a foreclosure, bankruptcy, slow credit, collections, judgments, repossessions, etc. we can help. We are the experts in credit restoration and credit repair. We have helped numerous residents of Iowa and are experts in Iowa credit repair.Credit is like your health - If you needed a heart transplant - wouldn't you want the best surgeon? If you had cancer - wouldn't you travel a little father to go to the cancer hospital instead of the "regular" hospital? It's like that with credit repair - there are lots of companies out there ready to take your...