
Leominster, MA Real Estate News

By Rob Beland, Leominster MA Multifamily Investment Specialist
(Apex Properties)
I'm only 87 years old, I have 90,000 SF of floor area on two levels in my main building, and I have another 40,000 SF on two levels out back. All of this is situated on 4.5 acres of prime land right downtown Leominster and I can be yours for $2M. If you act now, you also get to pick up the tab on a complete restoration that could top $5M or more!!! You're probably asking yourself..."Is this guy crazy???" Why would somebody want to spend $5M to fix up a property they just purchased for $2M (hopefully you can negotiate that price down closer to $1.5M)? This is a question that is being answered in the Lowell/Lawrence area, in Fitchburg, and even here in Leominster.  Developers are slowly but surely realizing there is some value to these vacant, run-down eye sores scattered throughout the a...
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By Rob Beland, Leominster MA Multifamily Investment Specialist
(Apex Properties)
Does your office have a recycle bin for used fax cover sheets and other paper products that you might otherwise throw away in the trash? Do you have a compost bin set up for employees to discard their food scraps? Even better...would you consider giving your customers the option of returning the packaging to you so it can be recycled???The Grassroots Recycling Network came up with 10 principles for businesses to follow that want to commit to becoming a "Zero Waste" business.I've got a few simple principles to pass along that I follow but I'd encourage you to click the link above and see how your company measures up to the Zero Waste Business Principles.Get rid of the trash barrel under your desk. If all you are throwing away is paper then why don't you replace the t...
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By Rob Beland, Leominster MA Multifamily Investment Specialist
(Apex Properties)
Are you looking for real estate representation in Leominster or any of the surrounding cities and towns or are you looking for real estate in Leominster or any of the surrounding cities and towns?My name is Rob Beland and I'm an agent with Apex Properties in Leominster. Apex Properties specializes in commercial real estate brokerage, Buyer/Tenant representation, investment portfolio development, and can assist with basically any aspect of commercial real estate.I personally focus on Buyer/Tenant representation and the sales and leasing of commercial real estate in North Central Massachusetts. I work one-on-one with business owners to assess their current situation and determine the best path to take whether it be purchasing real estate, leasing additional space, downsizing, or doing not...
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By Rob Beland, Leominster MA Multifamily Investment Specialist
(Apex Properties)
Have you noticed the direction that the price of vacant commercial land in Leominster and basically all over Massachusetts has been going lately? Better yet...have you seen any vacant commercial land for sale in Leominster?There's not much out there and what vacant land there is out there is owned by a very small group of people with pockets much deeper than you or I and there is not incentive big enough to get them to sell...What does that mean for the small business owner that is tired of writing checks every month to their landlord and wants to get into the real estate market for themselves without having to find land and put up a building? It's time to consider an alternative to traditional commercial real estate condominiums. Sure you could buy an existing buil...
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By Rob Beland, Leominster MA Multifamily Investment Specialist
(Apex Properties)
When you're in the market for a new home one of the first things to do is contact a real estate agent in the area to see what houses are out there in your price range. This is pretty common and in fact Buyer's Agents are getting more and more popular every day. They have a simple agreement that is signed and you agree not to negotiate the purchase of any house without your "buyer's agent" being involved. It's pretty simple and makes a lot of sense. Why would you make one of the largest investments of your life without the help of an expert???Why hasn't this idea caught on with respect to commercial real estate transactions? Not for nothing but if you're considering purchasing real estate for your business or even just considering leasing space, this investment may very well be even bigg...
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By Rob Beland, Leominster MA Multifamily Investment Specialist
(Apex Properties)
Do you know one of the greatest challenges facing even the most successful business owners when it comes to commercial lease negotiations? Surprisingly, it's effective planning for the future growth and expansion of their business. In the fourth year of a five year lease business owners are facing the realization that they may have to pick up and move in a year or less; disrupting not only their business but the entire culture and climate of their organization. What can you do? When negotiating a lease, two ways to prepare for this growth and avoid the disruption to the business are Rights of First Refusal and Options on adjacent space.  We'll discuss the distinction between these two commonly overlooked lease provisions and ensure that your next lease negotiation properly addresses the...
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Leominster, MA Real Estate Professionals