
Gaithersburg, MD Real Estate News

By Roy Kelley
Black Box Pinot NoirIf you enjoy Pinot Noir wines and are seeking a selection with a very reasonable price, you will want to try the Black Box Pinot Noir. The 3 L box is equivalent to four 750 ML bottles of wine and is easy to serve and takes up less shelf space. It is priced at $15.99 at Total Wine and More. I paid $16.99 less a 10% discount at our local Shoppers store in Germantown, Maryland. Product HighlightsCalifornia - Features enticing aromas of strawberry and red cherry with complementary notes of toasty oak. Fresh berry and cocoa flavors lead to a delicate, lingering finish. Water Lily, Longwood Gardens, Kennett Square, Pennsylvania USA IMG 5883Canon PowerShot G11 Camera, f/4.5, 1/320 sec., ISO-80, 30 mm, No FlashPhotograph by Roy KelleyRoy and Dolores Kelley Photographs
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Dollar Tree to Open in Kentlands, Sunday, Feb. 2Dollar Tree at 62 Market St in Gaithersburg’s Kentlands neighborhood has announced it will open on Sunday, February 2.The store is located in the space that was recently home to Privai Spa and previously home to Mynd Spa and Red Door Spa. Click here to see a full lists of businesses coming soon to Kentlands. Dollar Tree, which has MoCo locations in Damascus, Derwood, Gaithersburg, Germantown, Montgomery Village, Rockville, Silver Spring, and Wheaton, raised prices to $1.25 in 2021 and has added  “Dollar Tree Plus” sections with items priced at $3 and $5. The MOCOSHOWBy Patrick Herron Dahlia, Kentlands Photowalk, Gaithersburg, Maryland USA IMG 8641Canon PowerShot G11 CameraPhotograph by Roy KelleyRoy and Dolores Kelley Photographs
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Stay Off of the Kentlands and Lakelands LakesCommunity residents received this warning from the Kentlands HOA. Skating on the Lakes is Strictly Prohibited for Your Safety!The frozen lakes may look like a winter wonderland, but they hold a potential danger that should not be underestimated. Please do not attempt to play or skate on any lakes within Kentlands or Lakelands.  The ice could give way, and you would fall into freezing water!  If this were to happen, it could prove to be fatal before rescuers could reach the scene.  Talk to your children about the extreme danger of playing on the ice or the rocks surrounding the lakes.Instead of skating on the lakes, consider other safe and enjoyable winter activities like building a snowman or having a snowball fight. Yes, the ice looks stable...
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By Roy Kelley
January is Radon Gas Awareness MonthRadon gas is the second leading cause of lung cancer in the U.S. This invisible, odorless gas can seep into your home. Testing is the only way to detect it.Read more and order your test kit here: is a Montgomery County, Maryland announcement.   Orchids, Longwood Gardens, Kennett Square, Pennsylvania USA IMG 6841Canon PowerShot G11 CameraPhotograph by Roy KelleyRoy and Dolores Kelley Photographs
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All Day Earl Grey™ Orange Marmalade Black TeaMy blogging beverage, All Day Earl Grey™ Orange Marmalade Black Tea, was served by Chef Dolores. If you enjoy tea, this is a selection that you should try. Click on the link to reach The Republic of Tea website website. The container holds 36 tea bags and is priced at $13.00. An Elegant Tea MomentSavor the refined flavors of teatime with this decadent blend. Rich black tea, lifted by citrusy-floral bergamot and juicy orange, pairs beautifully with freshly baked scones. This delightful twist on a timeless classic brings the charm of teatime with friends or whenever you need a comforting pause. Orchids, Longwood Gardens, Kennett Square, Pennsylvania USA IMG 2595Canon PowerShot G11 Camera, f/4, 1/640 sec., ISO-125, 11 mm, No FlashPhotograph by R...
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IRS Sending Out Unclaimed Stimulus MoneyResidents of Maryland who didn’t receive COVID stimulus payments in 2021 will automatically receive up to $1,400 from the IRS in the coming weeks. The IRS said last month that it is distributing about $2.4 billion to about 1 million taxpayers who failed to claim a Recovery Rebate Credit on their 2021 tax returns. People who missed one of the COVID stimulus payments or had received less than the full amount were able to claim the credit. - Gaithersburg Patch  Megan VerHelst,Patch Staff Click here to learn more.  Buttercup, Ranunculus, Kentlands Photowalk,Gaithersburg, Maryland USA IMG 7891Canon PowerShot G11 CameraPhotograph by Roy KelleyRoy and Dolores Kelley Photographs
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By Roy Kelley
The Tone of Your Voice MattersThe following quote was a Worth Sharing message on Facebook. It would have been appropriate to direct the message to me because I really need to change my tone of voice. I could blame my tone of voice on impatience or old age or the way I feel but those would be unacceptable excuses. So, this is a condition that I need to change and I am going to try my best to improve my tone of voice. Please join me in this effort if you are also in need of improvements.YOUR TONE OF VOICE MATTERS.When we speak to someone, our tone of voice carries more weight than we might think. Even if our intentions are good, the way we say things can linger in someone's heart long after the words have been spoken. A harsh or careless tone can echo in their mind, replaying moments that...
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By Roy Kelley
MLK Days of Service: January 18 & 19To honor the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., the Mayor and City Council proclaimed January 18 and 19 as “Days of Service” in Gaithersburg. Residents are encouraged to participate in service projects that strengthen our community and foster a spirit of equality and inclusiveness, not only during these days but throughout the year. The Montgomery County Volunteer Center continues the tradition of honoring Dr. King through service projects and volunteer opportunities. Click here for more information.This is a City of Gaithersburg, Maryland announcement. Hibiscus, Longwood Gardens, Kennett Square, Pennsylvania USA IMG 5831Canon PowerShot G11 Camera, f/4.5, 1/125 sec., ISO-80, 25 mm, No FlashPhotograph by Roy KelleyRoy and Dolores Kelley Photographs
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Gaithersburg Martin Luther King Jr. Day ClosuresIn observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day, most City of Gaithersburg facilities and offices will be closed on Monday, January 20, 2025. Recycling will take place as scheduled. Bulk pickup is unavailable. Note that the regular Mayor and City Council Meeting will take place on Tuesday, January 21.Click here to read more.This is a City of Gaithersburg, Maryland announcement. Chrysanthemum, Longwood Gardens,Kennett Square, Pennsylvania USA IMG 6775Canon PowerShot G11 CameraPhotograph by Roy KelleyRoy and Dolores Kelley Photographs
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Gaithersburg FY24 Annual Comprehensive Financial ReportThe FY24 Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR) audit is complete, showcasing our commitment to financial transparency. View the report: SB and Company shared audit insights at the 1/6 Mayor and Council meeting. View presentation is a City of Gaithersburg, Maryland announcement.  Chrysanthemum, Brookside Gardens, Wheaton, Maryland USA IMG 3516Canon PowerShot G11 CameraPhotograph by Roy KelleyRoy and Dolores Kelley Photographs
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Surprise Package: Penzy's RESIST SeasoningA surprise package was delivered to our home and we discovered that it contained a box of Penzy's RESIST Seasoning. Click on the link to visit the website. RESIST! SeasoningOur RESIST! seasoning is nicely spicy with a hint of smokiness. Sprinkle RESIST! heavily on hummus or chopped avocado and it will be spicy. Sprinkle it on a burger, or wings, or vegetables before roasting and its heat fades with cooking, leaving just wonderful tastiness. Use RESIST everywhere by itself or alongside your favorite seasonings to add a new spark. RESIST! is Good.Hand-mixed from: Black pepper, salt, paprika, cayenne red pepper, white pepper, chipotle pepper. 27 Trial Bags #83056 $49.75 We discovered that this gift includes a political message.Penzeys Spices is tur...
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By Roy Kelley
It's National Bagel Day!History of National Bagel DayBagels have a long and highly documented history that travels from the Jewish families of Poland in the 1600s to wrapped up in parchment paper in your hands today. And, unlike many things created nearly five-hundred years ago, bagels are remarkably unchanged. Sure, cream cheeses and butters and flavors and toppings may have evolved over time but bagel is a beigel is a beygal. Bagels made the jump to America with a massive Polish-Jewish immigration in the 1800s that firmly entrenched itself in New York City where it thrived. In fact, an entire union was created in the early 1900s called Bagel Bakers Local 338 to support the growing, immigrant-led industry. That also begat the “bagel brunch,” that we still enjoy to this day with little ...
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By Roy Kelley
Clear Snow Away From Fire HydrantsIf you are able and willing, please clear around fire hydrants, your local firefighters thank you, for helping your neighbor stay safe if there’s a fire!  This is a Montgomery County, Maryland announcement.Leave three feet of space around fire hydrants.  Chrysanthemums, Longwood Gardens, Kennett Square,Pennsylvania USA IMG 6739Canon PowerShot G11 CameraPhotograph by Roy KelleyRoy and Dolores Kelley Photographs
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Alert Montgomery - Cold Emergency Alert Montgomery County has extended the Cold Emergency Alert until Friday, 1/10 at 1pm. Residents should be prepared for wind chill values to be below 20 degrees. These dangerously cold temperatures and wind chills could cause frostbite on exposed skin within 30 minutes and/or hypothermia. Try to stay indoors if possible. Take extra precautions if you work or spend long amounts of time outdoors. Wear extra layers and when possible, take frequent breaks in a warm location. If you need relief from the cold, visit County facilities such as Libraries and Recreation Centers during business hours. Public shopping centers are also available as warm locations during their hours of operation.Residents concerned about the well-being of a homeless individual can ...
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Recommended Author: Rhys Bowen (Janet Quin-Harkin)Dolores and I have read many of the novels by Rhys Bowen, the pen name for Janet Quin-Harkin, and highly recommend them for your reading list. Click here to reach her website.Rhys Bowen is the New York Times bestselling author of two historical mystery series as well as several internationally bestselling historical novels, two of which were nominated for Edgar AwardRhys was born in Bath, England and educated at London University but now divides her time between California and Arizona. Her books have been nominated for every major mystery award and she has won twenty of them to date, including five Agathas.She currently writes two historical mystery series, each very different in tone. The Molly Murphy mysteries feature an Irish immigran...
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By Roy Kelley
Pizza Plus Cold Torpedo Cold IPAChef Dolores served pizza for our lunch at home. Our beverage selection was the Sierra Nevada Cold Torpedo Cold IPA. This was a good combination. If you enjoy IPAs, this is a beer that you will want to sample. Drink responsibly. 7% Alc. by Vol.Cold Torpedo delivers the hop intensity you’re after with unreal drinkability. Our Cold IPA brewing process keeps the malt character restrained and ultra crisp, letting hops own the spotlight.  Anemone Chrysanthemum morifloium, 'Yellow Vesuvio', Longwood Gardens, Kennett Square, Pennsylvania USA IMG 6714Canon PowerShot G11 CameraPhotograph by Roy KelleyRoy and Dolores Kelley Photographs
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Museum on Tap - Montgomery County Geology Wed, Jan 8, 2025 at 7:00 PM 15 Fulks Corner Ave, Gaithersburg, MD, 20877     More info here Discover the fascinating geology of Montgomery County with local historian and geologist Jeff Nagy. Join us for an evening at Saints Row Brewing as Jeff delves into the rocks and minerals beneath our feet, uncovering the rich geological history of the area. Grab a drink, settle in, and learn about the natural wonders that shape our local landscape!This is a Gaithersburg Patch announcement. Poinsettias, Longwood Gardens, Kennett Square, Pennsylvania USA IMG 1642Canon PowerShot G11 CameraPhotograph by Roy KelleyRoy and Dolores Kelley Photographs
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By Roy Kelley
Pumpkin Pie Chai Herb TeaOne of the seasonal tea selections I have enjoyed is the Pumpkin Pie Chai Herb Tea from The Republic of Tea. Click on the link to reach the website.  Aechmea, Longwood Gardens, Kennett Square, Pennsylvania USA IMG 8321Canon PowerShot G11 CameraPhotograph by Roy KelleyRoy and Dolores Kelley Photographs
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Vacant House, Needs Repairs, Occupants Went SouthI hope the owners will be making the needed renovations.As we walk through our home communities, it is fun to capture some of the images that we can share with others. Enjoy your walks with your camera in hand. Birdhouse, Colors of the Season, Kentlands Photowalk, Gaithersburg, Maryland USA Canon PowerShot G11 CameraPhotograph by Roy KelleyRoy and Dolores Kelley Photographs
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By Roy Kelley
Time to Check Your Blood Pressure"Early January is a great time to check your blood pressure, especially if you have not checked it recently. Today's a good day to do it!" - Beth Frates MD"High blood pressure has no obvious symptoms, but it gets more common as we get older. Start a healthy future now. Know your numbers and talk to a doctor about what they mean." -  American Heart Association 
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