What's Happening in the Shores? Real Estate Market Report ~ July 2009
By Mike Mitchell, REALTOR (R)
(Kee Realty)
If you would like to know what your St. Clair Shores home is worth in today's market, give me a call to schedule an appointment for a free market analysis (cma). No pressure, no obligation ST. CLAIR SHORES REAL ESTATE MARKET REPORT FOR JULY - HOMES There were 61 single family homes that closed in JULY up from 49 in June. 33 of the 61 sales were bank owned homes. That's 54%. Bank owned homes made up 44% of the sales in June, 65% in May, 60% in April & 77% in March. JULY Statistics There were 61 home sales that closed in July The average list price was $77,159 The high...