Mick Stoffer Day:October 31, 2012 in Elk River Minnesota. Thanks, Mick
By Don Sabinske, Sabinske & Associates Inc.
(Don Sabinske, Sabinske & Associates Inc.)
If you have ever been to the Elk River Library, you probably know Mick Stoffers. She has been part of the Elk River Library for 27 years. She is also the library’s branch manager. October 31, 2012, has been proclaimed Mick Stoffers Day in Elk River by the City Council. Mick is retiring, and the Council has given her a plaque for her service and this honor. I hope she received some tribute from the library system as well. She has given Elk River a continuity and pride in our library that other cities likely envy. It will be a bit strange not to see her there anymore, but we all wish her a long and very happy retirement! Thanks, Mick!