When working with buyers and sellers, "I promise to provide the highest level of customer service and professionalism, by listening to my client's needs and exceeding their expectations".
By Sam Cooper, Sam Cooper Howard Hanna Real Estate
(Howard Hanna Real Estate)
Longwood Canal Winchester OH 2019 Home SalesCanal Winchester Ohio is a great place to live. Longwood Subdivision in Canal Winchester OH is seeing a lot of home sale activity this year. According to the Columbus OH MLS, there were 8 Longwood Canal Winchester OH Home Sales in 2019 (year to date). The highest selling home this year so far in Longwood was located at: 6846 Manor Crest Lane Canal Winchester OH 43110. This home sold for $199,900. The average selling price of Homes sold in Longwood this year so far has been $167,212.If you know anyone thinking of buying or selling a home in Longwood Canal Winchester OH, please contact Sam Cooper HER Realtors (614) 561-3201.Longwood Canal Winchester OH Homes for sale
By Christopher Lotte, Real Broker Technologies, 614-390-9243
(Real Brokerage Technologies)
There are currently 4 Longwood Canal Winchester Ohio Homes for Sale in Columbus Realtors MLS. The average days on site for Longwood Canal Winchester Homes is 104 Days with the average listing price for Longwood Canal Winchester Homes being $129,950. The most expensive Longwood Canal Winchester Home for sale is $147,900, and the cheapest Longwood Canal Winchester Home is $118,000.View All Longwood Canal Winchester Ohio Homes for Sale If you would like to buy a home in Longwood Canal Winchester, be sure to check out the links below!Longwood Canal Winchester Ohio Homes for SaleFeatured Canal Winchester Ohio SubdivisionsChester Heights Canal WinchesterAVG Price: $519,000 | AVG SQFT:4,206 | AVG $/SQFT: 82Hocking Run Estates Canal WinchesterAVG Price: $499,900 | AVG SQFT:4,420 | AVG $/SQFT: 1...
By Christopher Lotte, Real Broker Technologies, 614-390-9243
(Real Brokerage Technologies)
There are currently 2 Longwood Canal Winchester Ohio Homes for Sale in Columbus Realtors MLS. The average days on site for Longwood Canal Winchester Homes is 75 Days with the average listing price for Longwood Canal Winchester Homes being $132,950. The most expensive Longwood Canal Winchester Home for sale is $147,900, and the cheapest Longwood Canal Winchester Home is $118,000.View All Longwood Canal Winchester Ohio Homes for Sale If you would like to buy a home in Longwood Canal Winchester, be sure to check out the links below!Longwood Canal Winchester Ohio Homes for SaleFeatured Canal Winchester Ohio SubdivisionsChester Heights Canal WinchesterAVG Price: $519,000 | AVG SQFT:4,206 | AVG $/SQFT: 82Hocking Run Estates Canal WinchesterAVG Price: $499,900 | AVG SQFT:4,420 | AVG $/SQFT: 11...
By Christopher Lotte, Real Broker Technologies, 614-390-9243
(Real Brokerage Technologies)
There are currently 5 Longwood Canal Winchester Ohio Homes for Sale in Columbus Realtors MLS. The average days on site for Longwood Canal Winchester Homes is 44 Days with the average listing price for Longwood Canal Winchester Homes being $139,770. The most expensive Longwood Canal Winchester Home for sale is $147,900, and the cheapest Longwood Canal Winchester Home is $129,900.View All Longwood Canal Winchester Ohio Homes for Sale If you would like to buy a home in Longwood Canal Winchester, be sure to check out the links below!Longwood Canal Winchester Ohio Homes for SaleFeatured Canal Winchester Ohio SubdivisionsChester Heights Canal WinchesterAVG Price: $519,000 | AVG SQFT:4,206 | AVG $/SQFT: 82Hocking Run Estates Canal WinchesterAVG Price: $499,900 | AVG SQFT:4,420 | AVG $/SQFT: 11...
By Christopher Lotte, Real Broker Technologies, 614-390-9243
(Real Brokerage Technologies)
There are currently 5 Longwood Canal Winchester Ohio Homes for Sale in Columbus Realtors MLS. The average days on site for Longwood Canal Winchester Homes is 38 Days with the average listing price for Longwood Canal Winchester Homes being $137,920. The most expensive Longwood Canal Winchester Home for sale is $147,900, and the cheapest Longwood Canal Winchester Home is $129,900.View All Longwood Canal Winchester Ohio Homes for Sale If you would like to buy a home in Longwood Canal Winchester, be sure to check out the links below!Longwood Canal Winchester Ohio Homes for SaleFeatured Canal Winchester Ohio SubdivisionsChester Heights Canal WinchesterAVG Price: $519,000 | AVG SQFT:4,206 | AVG $/SQFT: 82Hocking Run Estates Canal WinchesterAVG Price: $499,900 | AVG SQFT:4,420 | AVG $/SQFT: 11...
By Christopher Lotte, Real Broker Technologies, 614-390-9243
(Real Brokerage Technologies)
There are currently 4 Longwood Canal Winchester Ohio Homes for Sale in Columbus Realtors MLS. The average days on site for Longwood Canal Winchester Homes is 14 Days with the average listing price for Longwood Canal Winchester Homes being $142,925. The most expensive Longwood Canal Winchester Home for sale is $155,000, and the cheapest Longwood Canal Winchester Home is $129,900.View All Longwood Canal Winchester Ohio Homes for Sale If you would like to buy a home in Longwood Canal Winchester, be sure to check out the links below!Longwood Canal Winchester Ohio Homes for SaleFeatured Canal Winchester Ohio SubdivisionsChester Heights Canal WinchesterAVG Price: $519,000 | AVG SQFT:4,206 | AVG $/SQFT: 82Hocking Run Estates Canal WinchesterAVG Price: $499,900 | AVG SQFT:4,420 | AVG $/SQFT: 11...
By Christopher Lotte, Real Broker Technologies, 614-390-9243
(Real Brokerage Technologies)
There are currently 3 Longwood Canal Winchester Ohio Homes for Sale in Columbus Realtors MLS. The average days on site for Longwood Canal Winchester Homes is 27 Days with the average listing price for Longwood Canal Winchester Homes being $138,900. The most expensive Longwood Canal Winchester Home for sale is $149,900, and the cheapest Longwood Canal Winchester Home is $131,900.View All Longwood Canal Winchester Ohio Homes for Sale If you would like to buy a home in Longwood Canal Winchester, be sure to check out the links below!Longwood Canal Winchester Ohio Homes for SaleFeatured Canal Winchester Ohio SubdivisionsChester Heights Canal WinchesterAVG Price: $519,000 | AVG SQFT:4,206 | AVG $/SQFT: 82Hocking Run Estates Canal WinchesterAVG Price: $499,900 | AVG SQFT:4,420 | AVG $/SQFT: 11...