Welcome Autumn! Photo courtesy of: Just Lovely Flocks of geese flying in V formation. Just another confirmation that Autumn is upon us. :)
NAR has designated September as Realtor Safety Month. There's no time like the present for some safety tips. Most of us will hold an open house at one time or another, so it's a good idea to follow some safety guidelines so we don't become a victim of crime. Open houses are a great way to m
Genius Idea! Teenager’s Invention Could Clean Oceans of Garbage Within 5 Years Liberty Globe Science Tech September 9, 2013 Teenager’s Invention Could Clean Oceans of Garbage Within 5 Years 19 Year old Boyan Slat is spearheading an initiative which promises to clean the world's oceans
Ethiopian Opal from Welo region. New gem, looks like the ocean in a rock
Never Forget! Always remembering... God Bless America!